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  1. Sep 22, 2024 · TOKYO: Ivica Osim, former head coach of Japans national soccer team, died in the Austrian city of Graz on Sunday morning. He was 80. Osim was born in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, currently the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in 1941.

  2. 1 day ago · Among others, Željezničar players Ivica Osim and Mišo Smajlović were banned from football for one year, and executives from Željezničar including then club president Nusret Mahić were banned from football for life. After a month it was decided that the clubs will stay in the league but points will be deducted, six from Željezničar and five from Hajduk and Trešnjevka each.

  3. 4 days ago · Jリーグのジェフユナイテッド市原・千葉、そしてサッカー日本代表(SAMURAI BLUEを率いたイビチャオシム元監督Ivica Osim)(享年80歳日本サッカーに残した財産は多く現在その薫陶を受けてきた教え子たちは指導者などで活躍している。 また、今なおその機知に富む「オシム語録」は、多くの人の心を動かしている。 近年はやや画一化されつつあるように感じる日本サッカー界、監督をはじめ指導者、その思考やスタイル……。 オシム氏は、本当に暇さえあればあらゆるカテゴリーのサッカー(と相撲)を見るのが好きであり、三が日の市原臨海競技場(ゼットエーオリプリスタジアム)に、アシマ夫人とともに高校サッカー選手権を現地観戦に来ていた時には衝撃を受けた。

  4. 6 days ago · To je ono na što sam ponosan, govori nam Bogdanović. Razgovarali smo o jugoslovenskom fudbalu, sudijama i najtežim terenima. Dotakli smo se Sarajeva 90-ih, zadnjoj sezoni prije rata i prekinutom prvenstvu. Neiscrpna tema je bio Ivica Osim i nezaboravne lekcije koje je Rade naučio od njega.

  5. Sep 19, 2024 · The legendary performances of the Black & Whites under coach of the century Ivica Osim at the turn of the millennium marked a milestone in the history of Austrian soccer. Now a Styrian boy is...

  6. Sep 16, 2024 · Trainer Ivica Osim hatte ein Team aus internationalen Routiniers und jungen Österreichern geformt, für die offensive Show sorgte ein "magisches Dreieck". Viel Geld - für damalige Verhältnisse.

  7. Sep 10, 2024 · Bosnia and Herzegovina national football team records and statistics. This page lists national football team statistics regarding Bosnia 1992 – present, and also some statistics from Yugoslavia 1920–1990 period relevant to SRBiH.