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  1. Oct 15, 2018 · From BOOK 3 of Disney's World of English: Everyone jumps out from where they were hiding. It is Pluto's birthday, and everyone comes to Mickey's house to celebrate his birthday. Before Pluto shows up, they all hide somewhere in Mickey's house. My question is: Everyone jumps out from where...

  2. Nov 27, 2017 · A discussion thread on WordReference Forums about the phrase "hiding in the shadows" used by Hillary Clinton. Users explain the metaphor and its context, and share their opinions on the topic.

  3. Nov 14, 2006 · Hello Mr. Bones. "I'm hidden" means you can't be seen. You may have covered yourself up with a blanket, or crept into a wardrobe.

  4. I never heard the phrase before. I googled it and found nothing. I modified the search to read "sit down spanking" (a more commonly used word than hiding) and found this (3rd post down): Disciplining Children (e.g. smacking) The last time they got an actual sit down spanking, was months ago, can’t even remember the occasion or why.

  5. Jul 9, 2009 · Hiding is not much of an activity, recreational or otherwise, since most of hiding involves things like keeping quite or keeping still. Similarly we don't usually think of hiding as a way you can go somewhere. "Go hiding" is not an impossible thing to say, but it doesn't work well without supporting context.

  6. Apr 5, 2015 · I was hiding in my room while he was putting on his boots. Source: school exam Hello, Can we also say "I was hidden" instead of "I was hiding"?

  7. May 22, 2011 · I want to say, I'm not hiding anything. I know that "I'm not lying" is close and conveys a similar meaning but that's not what I'm looking for here. So, is أنا ما بستخبيش إي حاجة correct for Egyptian slang. I guess the context would be the police interrogating you and you say to them, "I'm not hiding anything"...

  8. Feb 22, 2020 · Here is a test question: 1. The hotel, between two much larger hotels, is easy to overlook but worth choosing. A. hiding B. to hide C. hidden Key: A And this is what Collins dictionary says: If you hide or if you hide yourself, you go somewhere where you cannot easily be seen or found. So I...

  9. Dec 13, 2016 · Henry spent that day hiding hiding in the puckies beside Route 9. Sometimes he slept. Sometimes he lay watching police cruisers slide by like hunting dogs. While the Losers ate luch, Henry listened to voices from the moon. Source: It by Stephen King What does puckies mean? Context: Henry...

  10. Oct 13, 2012 · The sentence is ''At the north end of the closet a tiny jog in the wall made a slight hiding place and here, stiff with long suspension from a nail, hung a shirt.'' I'm having the greatest difficulties finding a suitable meaning for the word ''jog''. My attempt would be: un minuscule accroc dans le mur? Thanks for helping !

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