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  1. Swiss-PdbViewer (aka DeepView) has been developped since 1994 by Nicolas Guex. Swiss-PdbViewer was initially tightly linked to SWISS-MODEL, an automated homology modeling server developed within the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) at the Structural Bioinformatics Group at the Biozentrum in Basel.

  2. If you have problems installing spdbv, see "FAQ: Installing Swiss Pdb Viewer for PC" for technical details. The following steps 2-6 are optional: Download Swiss-PdbViewer Loop Database (2.45Mb).

  3. Automated comparative protein structure modeling with SWISS-MODEL and Swiss-PdbViewer: A historical perspective.

  4. Swiss-PdbViewer is an application that provides a user friendly interface allowing to analyze several proteins at the same time. The proteins can be superimposed in order to deduce structural alignments and compare their active sites or any other relevant parts.

  5. Ribbons. Ribbons computation are based on the method developped by Carson et al. ref [3]. By default it is a wireframe ribbon representation of five parallel strands, but you can change the number of strands to be used (up to 21) in the Ribbons Preferences.

  6. Swiss-PdbViewer can load and display several molecules simultaneously. Each molecule is loaded into its own layer . Each molecule is composed of groups ( i.e. amino acids, nucleotides, substrates...).

  7. Direct Server support: You may import PDB or ExPDB files, SwissProt entries etc. into Swiss-Pdb Viewer directly from the network. OpenGL support for Mac . The Find dialog has been improved (PROSITE pattern search ) allowing for mismatches.

  8. Index. This index is provided with the sole purpose of pointing to a page where you can find more information about the subject. You might have to read a good part of the page to actually find the information, and I do apologise.

  9. Download & install Swiss-PdbViewer: NEW: The new beta release of Swiss-Pdb Viewer (v3.7b2) is now available: Download Swiss-Pdb Viewer (v37b2) as zip-file or self extracting archive (v37b2). Previous versions: Swiss-PdbViewer v3.51.exe (self extracting) or Swiss-PdbViewer

  10. To display a molecule, simply drag a Pdb file onto the Swiss-PdbViewer icon (or main window for PC), select "Open" item from the "File" menu, or select one of the recently opened proteins that appear at the bottom of the file menu.

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