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  1. Cả RabbitMQKafka đều cung cấp các nền tảng có quy mô linh hoạt và khả năng chịu lỗi để đáp ứng nhu cầu về lưu lượng truy cập ngày càng tăng và tính sẵn sàng cao. Tiếp theo, chúng ta sẽ thảo luận về một số điểm tương đồng chính giữa RabbitMQKafka.

  2. Oct 18, 2023 · This blog was co-written by Howard Twine and Gregory Green. A few years ago, a colleague of ours wrote an informative post to help readers understand when to use RabbitMQ and when to use Apache Kafka. While the two solutions take very different approaches architecturally and can solve different problems, many people find themselves comparing them for sit

  3. Với RabbitMQ ta phải sử dùng Consistent Hashing Exchange và tự triển khai logic nhóm consumer theo cách thủ công bằng cách sử dụng SAC và logic hand-rolled tùy chỉnh. Nhưng RabbitMQ có một khả năng thú vị mà Kafka không có: RabbitMQ cho phép subscriber tùy ý sắp xếp các nhóm sự kiện.

  4. Sep 13, 2023 · Also, it primarily supports a publish/subscribe messaging model and lacks support for more complex patterns like RabbitMQ. RabbitMQ vs. Kafka: Key Differences 1. Data Handling. When it comes to data handling, RabbitMQ and Kafka approach the issue differently.

  5. Oct 10, 2023 · A topic describes a category of messages. Kafka achieves fault tolerance by replicating the data in a topic and scaling by partitioning the topic across multiple servers. RabbitMQ vs. Kafka . The main differences between Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ are due to fundamentally different message delivery models implemented in these systems.

  6. Oct 23, 2021 · Q: Which is better, RabbitMQ or Kafka? A: Objectively, in terms of performance and reliability, Kafka is better than RabbitMQ, but RabbitMQ is more flexible and easier to use. Both are suitable for specific use cases. Q: Does Kafka use RabbitMQ? A: No, Kafka does not use RabbitMQ within its implementation or otherwise in plugin form.

  7. Oct 27, 2023 · What Apache Kafka is, and its key features? What RabbitMQ is, and its key features? The main differences between Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ, and how to choose between them. The different use cases of Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ. To continue with this article, you are expected to be familiar with the basics of distributed systems. Apache Kafka and ...