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  1. Lara returns from Paris with her partner to settle in San Sebastian. Daniel has never left the city; today he lives with his girlfriend and works for his mother’s real estate agency. Lara and Daniel’s lives cross while visiting a flat for sale; but this may not be the first time they have met.

  2. Gelditasuna ekaitzean (2022) Lara returns from Paris with her partner, Telmo, to settle in San Sebastian.

  3. Jan 23, 2023 · Gelditasuna Ekaitzean, Alberto Gastesi donostiarraren lehen film luzea, Loreto Mauleon eta Iñigo Gastesi protagonista dituena, Eivissako Zinema Independentearen Nazioarteko Jaialdiaren 7. edizioan lehiatuko da.

  4. Sep 20, 2022 · Zinemaldia 2022: irailaren 20ko egitaraua, Euskal Zinemaren Gala 'Gelditasuna ekaitzean' pelikularekin. Sail Ofizialean, gaurko, 'Hyakka/A Hundred Flowers' eta 'La Maternal' daude aurreikusita.

  5. Sep 20, 2022 · Gelditasuna ekaitzean filmak, euskal zinemagintzak Martinezek 2005ean finkatutako sortze-urtetik gaur egun arte, behintzat, apenas ezagutu duen planteamendu formala dakar. Zuzendari berriei eskainitako sailean parte hartzeko adina meritu dituena, euskarazko tituluaren zuzentasuna zalantzagarria bada ere. Auto baten barruan, bikote bat, Paristik ...

  6. Sep 19, 2022 · Entrevista con Alberto Gastesi, que presenta en el Festival de San Sebastián "Gelditasuna ekaitzean". El cineasta donostiarra presentará en la Gala del Cine Vasco “Gelditasuna ekaitzean”, un drama donostiarra sobre cómo también nos conforman aquellos caminos que no elegimos.

  7. Sep 20, 2022 · Halfway between the past and the present, Gelditasuna ekaitzean (Stillness in the Storm) explores the love story of two people whose lives, in other circumstances, in other times, could have taken other paths. Lara returns from Paris with her partner, Telmo, to settle in San Sebastian. Daniel has never left the city; today he lives with his ...