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  1. Mar 18, 2015 · Producer and director Danny Lerner died March 6 in Culver City, Calif. He was 62. Lerner, the brother of producer and Nu Image/Millennium Films founder Avi Lerner, worked on more than 100 films ...

  2. May 2, 2024 · Danny Lerner (Q1164677) Danny Lerner. Israeli film producer, director and screenwriter (1952-2015) Language. Label. Description. Also known as. English. Danny Lerner.

  3. Mar 18, 2015 · Producer and director Danny Lerner died March 6 in Culver City, Calif. He was 62. Lerner, the brother of producer and Millennium Films founder Avi Lerner, worked on more than 100 films, including most recently “Olympus Has Fallen” and “The Expendables 3.”. Born in Haifa, Israel, Lerner began his career at a drive-in theater in...

  4. Danny Lerner. Director; Producer; Screenwriter “Expendables 2 is one of the most interesting movies I've ever worked with. When you see Arnold, Jason, Sly, Dolph ...

  5. Danny Lerner s-a nãscut în Haifa, Israel în anul 1952. A studiat la Universitatea de Film și Televiziune din Tel-Aviv, punând în scenã mai mult de douăzeci de filme de scurt metraj în timpul studiilor. Dupã o perioadã scurtã În armata israelianã, și-a început cariera cu un cinematograf în aer liber pe care îl deținea și administra împreunã cu fratele sãu Avi. Ulterior a administrat un lanț cinematografic pânã când, în anul 1986, s-a alãturat companiei Nu World ...

  6. Životopis (biografie) / Informace: Danny Lerner (1952, Haifa, Palestina, nyní Izrael - 6.3.2015, Culver City, Kalifornie) byl producent, scenárista, režisér. Začínal v distribuci: z řetězce kin přešel k produkci, když v roce 1986 vstoupil do Nu World Productions. Přes 70 jím produkovaných filmů se točilo v Jižní Africe ...

  7. Films directed by Danny Lerner. Films directed by Danny Lerner [ de] (1952–2015).