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  1. Mar 7, 2022 · The word " mutex " stands for an object providing MUTual EXclusion between threads. Mutex ensures that only one thread has access to a critical section or data by using operations like a lock and unlock. A thread having the lock of mutex can use the critical section while other threads must wait till the lock is released.

  2. turn = 0; Shared global variable turn indicates who is allowed to enter next, can enter if turn = me. On exit, point variable to other process. Processes must strictly alternate pace of execution dictated by slower process. If one process fails, other process is permanently blocked.

  3. Oct 3, 2023 · A semaphore is a variable that is used to indicate whether a resource is available or not, while a mutex is a binary semaphore that provides mutual exclusion to shared resources. When a process enters a critical section, it must first request access to the semaphore or mutex associated with the critical section.

  4. Sep 6, 2023 · Mutual exclusion: Mutual exclusion does not allow more than one process to access the same shared resource at the same time. Turn variable ensures mutual exclusion property. Progress: The turn variable does not guarantee progress. It follows the alteration approach strictly.

  5. Apr 26, 2024 · Semaphores in Process Synchronization. Semaphores are just normal variables used to coordinate the activities of multiple processes in a computer system. They are used to enforce mutual exclusion, avoid race conditions, and implement synchronization between processes. The process of using Semaphores provides two operations: wait (P) and signal (V).

  6. No headers. We can make the queue thread safe with a mutex. This version of the code is in queue_mutex.c.. First we add a Mutex pointer to the queue structure:. typedef struct { int *array; int length; int next_in; int next_out; Mutex *mutex; //-- this line is new } Queue;

  7. More than one process could see the lock variable as 1 at the same time hence the mutual exclusion was not guaranteed there. This problem is addressed in the turn variable approach. Now, A process can enter in the critical section only in the case when the value of the turn variable equal to the PID of the process.

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