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  1. Naše společnost Parker je světovým lídrem v oblasti řízení a kontroly pohybu. Poskytujeme vysoce technická řešení pro širokou oblast mobilního, průmyslového a leteckého trhu. Parker lze nalézt všude tam, kde je pohyb. V Parkeru máme bezkonkurenční šíři produktů, které vycházejí z celosvětové pozice v devíti hlavních technologiích a zahrnují hydrauliku, pneumatiku, elektromechaniku, filtraci, řízení procesů, manipulaci s tekutinami a plyny, těsnění ...

  2. Parker is the global leader in motion and control technologies, providing precision-engineered solutions for a wide variety of mobile, industrial and aerospace markets. Parker can be found on and around everything that moves. At Parker we have an unmatched breadth and depth of products that originate from a global leadership position in nine core Motion and Control technologies that include aerospace, climate control, electromechanical, filtration, fluid and gas handling, hydraulics ...

  3. Parker ist der weltweit führende Hersteller in der Antriebs- und Steuerungstechnologie. Das Unternehmen entwickelt und konstruiert Systeme und Präzisionslösungen für mobile und industrielle Anwendungen sowie den Luft- und Raumfahrtsektor. In nahezu allem was sich bewegt, sind heute Technologien von Parker enthalten. Um die Anforderungen der Kunden zu erfüllen, liefert Parker die umfangreichste Produktpalette, die von einem einzigen Anbieter im Bereich der Antriebs- und ...

  4. Oct 19, 2023 · Parker is the global leader in motion and control technologies, providing precision-engineered solutions for a wide variety of mobile, industrial and aerospace markets. Parker can be found on and around everything that moves. With more than a century of experience, we are often called to the table for the collaborations that help to solve the ...

  5. World of Parker Pen Company. The Parker pen company story begins in 1888 as a inspired and impassioned George S. Parker applied for his first pen patent. Over 130 years later, a legacy of fine pens has been established and expanded by experts dedicated to preserving Parker's vision and proving true his notable quote, "it will always be possible ...

  6. Parker offers a comprehensive range of key components to achieve coordinated motion control in electrification, electromechanical, hydraulic, and pneumatic motions systems.&nbsp; Parker&rsquo;s range of products includes both hydraulic and electric motors, AC variable-speed and frequency drives, controllers,&nbsp; gearheads, and other complementary products.</p> <p>Parker&#39;s full line of high and low speed motors are offered in a range of sizes and a variety of operating systems ...

  7. Parker offers a comprehensive range of key components to achieve coordinated motion control in electrification, electromechanical, hydraulic, and pneumatic motions systems.&nbsp; Parker&rsquo;s range of products includes both hydraulic and electric motors, AC variable-speed and frequency drives, controllers,&nbsp; gearheads, and other complementary products.</p> <p>Parker&#39;s full line of high and low speed motors are offered in a range of sizes and a variety of operating systems ...

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