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  1. Mar 29, 2021 · Kushan’s used Kanishka’s era as a calendar reference by the Kushan king for about a century until the decline of Kushan empire.2 RELIGIOUS SENTIMENTS OF KING KANISHKA: - Kanishka was a tolerant king and his coins show that he honoured the Zorastrian, Greek and Brahmanic deities as well as the Buddha.

  2. Feb 12, 2020 · Kanishka. Kanishka (कनिष्क) (Kushan language: KANHÞKI, Ancient Chinese: 迦腻色伽) was a king of the Kushan Empire in South Asia, in the 2nd century of the common era, famous for his military, political, and spiritual achievements. His capital was Purushpur identified as the modern Peshawar in Pakistan.

  3. Apr 19, 2023 · Kushanas was very much inspired by the Chinese. When the Chinese rulers called themselves the sons of heaven, Kushanas rulers similarly assumed titles like “Devaputra” (sons of God), King of Kings and the Saviour, etc. Kanishka liked to call himself the Son of God. The extent of the Kushana Empire was at its zenith during Kanishka’s reign.

  4. Conclusion. Kanishka was the most influential king of the Kushan Empire. His empire’s capital was Purushpura (Peshawar). Throughout his rule, Kushan Empire expanded from Uzbekistan and Tajikistan to Kashmir Yamuna & Doab and Mathura. Kanishka was the heir of Vima Kadphises, as displayed by an inspiring family tree of the Kushan kings ...

  5. Apr 25, 2024 · The second Kushana Dynasty was founded by Kanishka, who extended Kushan power to upper India and lower Indus basin. Enroll now for UPSC Online Course. Kanishka. Background: He was the son of Kadphises II and was the most famous Kushana king, under whose reign the Kushana empire reached its zenith.

  6. Obv: Kanishka standing.., clad in heavy Kushan coat and long boots, flames emanating from shoulders, holding standard in his left hand, and making a sacrifice over an altar. Kushan-language legend in Greek script (with the addition of the Kushan Ϸ "sh" letter): ϷΑΟΝΑΝΟϷΑΟ ΚΑΝΗϷΚΙ ΚΟϷΑΝΟ ("Shaonanoshao Kanishki Koshano"): "King of Kings, Kanishka the Kushan".

  7. Kanishka was the king of the Kushana Empire in South Asia. Kanishka is considered to be one of the most significant and important rulers of the Kushan Kingdom, an area that included the northern part of the Indian subcontinent, Afghanistan, and possibly regions north of Kashmir in central Asia. He was famous for his military, political, and ...