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  1. useReducer is a Hook, so you can only call it at the top level of your component or your own Hooks. You can’t call it inside loops or conditions. If you need that, extract a new component and move the state into it. In Strict Mode, React will call your reducer and initializer twice in order to help you find accidental impurities.

  2. What is the useReducer hook? You can think of useReducer as a “state” hook, like useState. It’s a hook that allows you to manage the state of your component. The way the hook works is quite different from useState though. TIP: If you’d like a refresher of what the useState hook does and how it works, check out this article on it!

  3. The useReducer hook is an alternative to the useState hook, allowing you to manage the state of components: useReducer hook produces the state. Changing the state triggers a component re-render. The useReducer hook is useful when: The component has multiple closely related pieces of state. The future state value depends on the current state. To use the useReducer hook, you follow these steps:

  4. Jun 28, 2023 · useReducer is one of the additional Hooks that shipped with React v16.8. An alternative to the useState Hook, useReducer helps you manage complex state logic in React applications. When combined with other Hooks like useContext, useReducer can be a good alternative to Redux, Recoil, or MobX.

  5. The useReducer Hook is similar to the useState Hook. It allows for custom state logic. If you find yourself keeping track of multiple pieces of state that rely on complex logic, useReducer may be useful. Syntax. The useReducer Hook accepts two arguments. useReducer (<reducer>, <initialState>)

  6. Jan 30, 2023 · How the useReducer Hook Works. You can add a reducer to your component using the useReducer hook. Import the useReducer method from the library like this: import { useReducer } from 'react'. The useReducer method gives you a state variable and a dispatch method to make state changes.

  7. React comes with a built-in Hook called useReducer that allows you to add state to a function component but manage that state using the reducer pattern. The API for useReducer is similar to what we saw earlier with reduce ; however, there's one big difference.

  8. May 28, 2024 · React useReducer() hook is a state hook used often as a versatile alternative to useState(). It helps aggregate multiple states of a component in one place, particularly in scenarios that involve the state's changes at multiple nesting levels, and originating from multiple action types and sources.

  9. Mar 23, 2023 · To help you separate the concerns (rendering and state management) React provides the hook useReducer(). The hook does so by extracting the state management out of the component. Let's see how the useReducer() hook works with accessible real-world examples.

  10. Feb 13, 2023 · In this article, you will learn what the useReducer hook is, what it is used for, when to choose it. To make it easier to understand than complicated long sentences, we will also walk through a few examples of the useReducer hook in action.

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