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  1. Dattatreya Balkrishna Kalelkar (1 December 1885 – 21 August 1981), popularly known as Kaka Kalelkar, was an Indian independence activist, social reformer, journalist and an eminent follower of the philosophy and methods of Mahatma Gandhi.

  2. काका कालेलकर (1885 - 21 अगस्त 1981) के नाम से विख्यात दत्तात्रेय बालकृष्ण कालेलकर भारत के प्रसिद्ध शिक्षाशास्त्री, पत्रकार और स्वतंत्रता संग्राम सेनानी थे। [1] काकासाहेब कालेलकर ने गुजराती और हिन्दी में साहित्यरचना की। उन्होने हिन्दी की महान सेवा की। उनके द्वारा रचित जीवन–व्यवस्था नामक निबन्ध–संग्रह के लिये उन्हें सन् 1965 में साहित्य अकादमी पुर...

  3. Adhering to Article 340 of the Constitution of India, the First Backward Classes Commission was set up by a presidential order on 29 January 1953 under the chairmanship of Kaka Kalelkar. It is also known as the First Backward Classes Commission, 1955 or the Kaka Kalelkar Commission.

  4. Feb 12, 2019 · Kaka Kalelkar commission is also known as the First Backward Classes Commission. In Indra Sawhney case of 1992, Supreme Court had directed the government to create a permanent body to entertain, examine and recommend the inclusion and exclusion of various Backward Classes for the purpose of benefits and protection.

  5. (English – Kaka Kalelkar)काका कालेलकर भारत के प्रसिद्ध गांधीवादी स्वतंत्रता सेनानी, शिक्षाविद, पत्रकार और लेखक थे।. 1922 में गुजराती पत्र ‘नवजीवन’ के सम्पादक भी रहे थे।. वे साबरमती आश्रम के सदस्य थे और अहमदाबाद में गुजरात विद्यापीठ की स्थापना में उन्होंने महत्वपूर्ण योगदान दिया।.

  6. સવિશેષ પરિચય: ફોટો: કાકાસાહેબ કાલેલકર. કાલેલકર દત્તાત્રેય બાલકૃષ્ણ, ‘કાકાસાહેબ’ (૧-૧૨-૧૮૮૫, ૨૧-૮-૧૯૮૧) : નિબંધકાર, પ્રવાસલેખક. જન્મ મહારાષ્ટ્રના સતારામાં.

  7. Kaka Kalelkar’s real name is Dattatreya Balkrushna Kalelkar. He was an independence activist, Gandhian, social reformer and journalist from Maharashtra. He also spent a few years in Sabarmati Ashram in Gujarat.

  8. Apr 10, 2019 · The first Backward Classes Commission (Kaka Kalelkar Commission, 1953) appointed by the President of India under Article 340, defined Scheduled Tribes as “They lead a separate exclusive existence and are not fully assimilated in the main body of the people. They may belong to any religion.”

  9. Aug 24, 2020 · Dattatreya Balkrishna Kalelkar popularly known as Kaka Kalelkar was at Satara in Maharashtra on 1st December 1885. He was an Indian independence activist, social reformer, journalist and an eminent follower of the philosophy and methods of Mahatma Gandhi.

  10. Jun 14, 2024 · The Commission, popularly known as Kaka Kalelkar Commission, was required “ to investigate the conditions of socially and educationally backward classes within the territory of India and the difficulties under which they labour and to make recommendations as to the steps that should be taken by the Union or any State to remove difficulties and t...

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