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  1. Sep 9, 2023 · Now, let us move to the medicinal usages and health benefits of Ashoka trees. flowers of Ashoka tree Nomenclature of Ashoka tree: English name – Ashok tree. Hindi name – Ashoka. Sanskrit name – Tamrapallav, Apshok, Bhajari. Telugu name – Ashokamu, Nanjulamu. Kingdom – Plantae. Family name – Caesalpiniaceae. Botanical name – Saraca ...

  2. Ashok Tree Foundation The Foundation’s efforts are focused on driving the sustainable advancement of education, health care and social needs within communities where resources are severely limited and out-dated by building two-way partnerships between the locals in the communities and the foundation’s active trustees and volunteers.

  3. Mar 7, 2018 · Hence, the ashok tree is often mentioned in classical Indian religious and amorous poetry, having at least 16 different names in Sanskrit referring to the tree or its flowers. In Mahakavya, or Indian epic poetry, the ashok tree is mentioned in the Ramayana in reference to the Ashok Vatika (garden of Ashok trees) where Hanuman first meets Sita.

  4. There are many places to walk, meditate, chill out and reconnect with your inner child. You can participate in community projects, nurturing the vegetable gardens and orchards or relax in a hammock under a tree, go for a dip in our swimming pool (India) or lake, rivers or streams (Croatia).

  5. Oct 12, 2022 · Saraca asoca or S. asoca, belonging to the family Caesalpinaceae, is popularly known as Ashoka and is a valuable indigenous plant of traditional and pharmacological significance.

  6. सम्राट अशोक महान; धर्माराजिका चक्रवात, सम्राट, राज्ञश्रेष्ठ ...

  7. Ashoka Trees in Indian Mythology. Ashoka tree is given prime importance in ancient Hindu mythology, art, sculpture and also in Ramayana. It is mentioned in Ramayana written by Ved Vyas that Sita sat under the Ashoka tree in Lanka. The tree is sacred for Buddhism as it is said that Shakyamuni/Gautam Buddha was born under the Ashoka tree in ...

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