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  1. NVIDIA RTX Voice is a new plugin that leverages NVIDIA RTX GPUs and their AI capabilities to remove distracting background noise from your broadcasts, voice chats, and remote video conferencing meetings.

  2. Transform your livestreams, voice chats, and video calls with powerful AI effects like noise removal and virtual background.

  3. Jan 12, 2021 · Nvidia RTX Voice is a free plugin from Nvidia which adds a few audio enhancement capabilities. The program uses a type of artificial intelligence to improve clarify and remove background noises from your microphone.

  4. Apr 23, 2020 · RTX Voice is a new plugin that leverages Nvidia RTX GPUs and their AI capabilities to remove distracting background noise from your broadcasts, voice chats, and remote video conferencing...

  5. Mar 22, 2021 · RTX Voice is an exciting new feature that eliminates background noise from your voice chats — including everything from Twitch game streaming to Discord and Zoom, WebEx, or Slack calls. The...

  6. Feb 17, 2022 · Well, RTX Voice is a great way. Remove noise as well as room echo! It's useful and easy to set up. This video shows you everything you need to know for RTX and GTX NVIDIA GPUs, as well as...

  7. Jun 26, 2024 · Maxine’s AI-powered effects debuted for RTX users in the RTX Voice beta, and moved into the NVIDIA Broadcast app. Now Showing: NVIDIA Broadcast. NVIDIA Broadcast offers AI-powered features that improve audio and video quality for a variety of use cases. It’s user-friendly, works in any app and is a breeze to set up. It includes:

  8. Apr 24, 2020 · How to set up Nvidia RTX Voice. If you want to try out RTX Voice, and you have an RTX graphics card, you can download the beta version of the app over at right now.

  9. Apr 21, 2020 · Nvidia is putting the tensor cores in GeForce RTX graphics cards to practical use with RTX Voice, an app that uses those cores to filter background noise in popular programs.

  10. 作为一款全新插件NVIDIA RTX Voice 可充分利用 NVIDIA RTX GPU 及其 AI 功能,在您直播、语音聊天和开展远程视频会议时帮助消除令人分心的背景噪音。 用户可借助此插件安心进行在线学习或加入会议,不用担心会听到无关杂声——例如敲键声或其他嘈杂的环境噪音。 此外,RTX Voice 还能减少使用者所处环境中嘈杂的背景噪音,使输入的音频更易听清。 RTX Voice 目前还处于测试阶段,我们期待收到您的反馈。 如在使用过程中遇到任何问题,请 单击此处 向我们报告。 欢迎您协助我们训练 AI 网络: 要求.

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