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  1. James Prescott Joule (24 Desember 1818 – 11 Oktober 1889) ialah seorang ilmuwan berkebangsaan Inggris. [1] Ia dikenal sebagai perumus Hukum Kekekalan Energi, yang berbunyi, Energi tidak dapat diciptakan ataupun dimusnahkan. Ia adalah seorang ilmuwan Inggris yang berminat pada fisika. Dengan percobaan, ia berhasil membuktkan bahwa panas ...

  2. Jun 1, 2015 · An epitaph for another gentleman-scientist, Benjamin Franklin, said “He seized the lightning from the sky and the scepter from tyrants.” When James Prescott Joule bypassed the caloric theory and determined the mechanical equivalent of heat, it could be said that “He seized the heat from darkness and the work from isolation.”

  3. James Prescott Joule experimented with engines, electricity and heat throughout his life. Joule’s findings resulted in his development of the mechanical theory of heat and Joule’s law , which quantitatively describes the rate at which heat energy is produced from electric energy by the resistance in a circuit.

  4. James Prescott Joule and energy conservation. As the son of a Manchester brewer, privately tutored for several years by the chemist John Dalton, James Joule took an early interest in all the technical equipment associated with brewing. In 1840, at the age of 22, he experimentally discovered that the heat generated in a coil of wire is ...

  5. Apr 21, 2023 · James Prescott Joule was a renowned British physicist born in 1818 in Salford, England. He is widely known for his pioneering work on the relationship between heat and energy. Joule’s discoveries laid the foundation for the development of the first law of thermodynamics, one of the fundamental principles of modern physics. As a child, Joule ...

  6. James Prescott Joule ( Salford, pored Manchestera, 24. prosinca 1818. - Sale, 11. listopada 1889. ), engleski fizičar. Član Londonskoga kraljevskoga društva od 1850. Samouk, proučavao odnose među različitim vrstama energije i utvrdio da se mehanička, električna i toplinska energija mogu pretvarati jedna u drugu.

  7. Nov 28, 2022 · James Prescott Joule lahir pada 24 Desember 1818 dan wafat pada 11 Oktober 1889 yang merupakan seorang ilmuwan fisika berkebangsaan Inggris. Dalam hal hukum kekekalan energi ini, beliau menyatakan bahwa “Energi tidak dapat diciptakan ataupun dimusnahkan”. Atas jasanya tersebut, satuan energi dilambangkan dengan nama Joule (J).