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  1. Reginald Pole was born on 12 March 1500 at Stourton Castle, in Staffordshire. He was the second son of Sir Richard Pole and Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury . The Countess was a first cousin of the Queen, Elizabeth of York , she was the daughter of George, Duke of Clarence , and Isabel Neville , making her son a great-grandson of Richard Neville, 'Warwick the King Maker' and Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York .

  2. Sources. An early life of Pole was written by his secretary BECCATELLI. It may be found printed in QUIRINI'S great collection, Epistola Reginaldi Poli et aliorum ad se (5 vols., Brescia, 1744-57); upon these materials was founded the History of the Life of Reginald Pole by PHILIPPS (Oxford, 1764), which still retains its value.

  3. Feb 2, 2017 · Reginald Pole was the fourth child of Sir Richard Pole (1462–1505) and Margaret Plantagenet (1473–1541), who was a niece of King Edward IV (1442–1483) of England and countess of Salisbury. He was educated at Magdalen College, Oxford University, graduating as Bachelor of Arts in 1515. In 1521, King Henry VIII sent him to study at the ...

  4. This is the first biography in ninety years of Reginald Pole (1500SH1558), one of the most important international figures of the sixteenth century. Pole's career is followed as protégé and then harshest critic of Henry VIII, as cardinal and papal diplomat, legate of Viterbo, a nearly successful candidate for pope, and finally as legate to ...

  5. Feb 11, 2009 · 42 Haile, M., Life of Reginald Pole (London, 1910), 441,Google Scholar for an example of the assumption that Pole was exceptionally merciful. Foxe said that ‘Pole's lightning was for the most part kindled against the dead ’(vii, 91), and that he checked Bonner's ‘fervent headiness…staying the rage of this bishop ’(vii, 307–8).

  6. The son of a prominent Yorkist family and a cousin of Henry VIII, Reginald Pole was born in March 1500 near to the centre of English political power. After periods of education, partly financed by the King, at Magdalen College, Oxford (1512-1519) and the University of Padua (1521-1526) he arrived back in England in 1527 where he

  7. Reginald Pole. Pole, REGINALD, cardinal, b. at Stourton Castle, Staffordshire, England, in March, 1500; d. at Lambeth Palace, November 17, 1558; third son of Sir Richard Pole, Knight of the Garter, and Margaret, daughter of George, Duke of Clarence, brother of Edward IV. From the beginning of his reign Henry VIII recognized him as a near ...