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  1. Josef Mengele (n. 16 martie 1911 , Günzburg , Bavaria , Imperiul German – d. 8 februarie 1979 , Bertioga , São Paulo , Brazilia ), supranumit „Îngerul Morții” , a fost un medic german care, în calitate de căpitan SS , a inițiat și condus odioasele „selecții” ale evreilor deportați din toată Europa pentru exterminarea ( Endlösung der Judenfrage ) lor de la Auschwitz-Birkenau .

  2. Jan 28, 2020 · By David G. Marwell. If anyone embodies the archetype of the evil that was Auschwitz, it is surely Josef Mengele. Dubbed by the inmates and survivors of the camp the “Angel of Death,” the ...

  3. Josef Rudolf Mengele was a German Schutzstaffel (SS) officer and physician during World War II. Nicknamed the "Angel of Death", he performed deadly experiments on prisoners at the Auschwitz II (Birkenau) concentration camp, where he was a member of the team of doctors who selected victims to be murdered in the gas chambers, and was one of the doctors who administered the gas.

  4. Jan 22, 2020 · A street in Günzburg still bears the name of Josef Mengele's father, who, too, was a NaziImage: DW/J. Lepiarz. But Mengele was already dead. Shortly before the Red Army reached Auschwitz in ...

  5. Jaunystė. Josef Mengele gimė 1911 kovo 16 d., Karl ir Walburga Mengele šeimoje Gunzburge, Vokietijoje.. Aušvicas. 1943-iaisiais, Mengele pakeitė kitą daktarą Aušvico koncentracijos stovykloje. 1943 gegužės 24 d. tapo medicinos pareigūnu Aušvice, čigonų stovykloje. 1944-ųjų rugpjūtį čigonų stovykla likviduota ir visi čigonai nužudyti dujų kamerose.

  6. Josef Mengele. Josef Mengele. While Clauberg and Schumann were busy with experiments designed to develop methods for the biological destruction of people regarded by the Nazis as undesirable, another medical criminal, SS-Hauptsturmführer Josef Mengele, M.D., Ph.D., was researching the issues of twins and the physiology and pathology of ...

  7. Josef Mengele (* 16. marec 1911, Günzburg, Bavorské kráľovstvo – † 7. február 1979, Bertioga, Brazília) bol nemecký nacistický lekár, príslušník Waffen-SS a člen NSDAP, ktorý počas druhej svetovej vojny vykonával na väzňoch v koncentračnom tábore Osvienčim morbídne, sadistické a nehumánne experimenty. Osobne sa podieľal na triedení väzňov, pričom rozhodoval o ich ponechaní nažive alebo fyzickej likvidácii.

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