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  1. Frederick Winslow Taylor, a mechanical engineer born in 1856 in Philadelphia, is regarded as the father of scientific management. Taylor forewent an admissions offer from Harvard Law School due to poor eyesight, and instead served an apprenticeship as a pattern-maker at Philadelphia's Enterprise Hydraulic Works.

  2. Frederick Winslow Taylor is known as the father of Scientific Management. He believed in the scientific method of management generate more productivity without using more of human energy or effort, instead of traditional and rule of thumb.

  3. Oct 16, 2020 · Frederick Winslow Taylor was in many ways an enigma, even in his own time. In quite a few areas, he was very much a product and steward of his time. He was also a man of progress and in several ways considerably ahead of his time. Around the turn of the twentieth century, he was concerned about nature going to waste or disappearing altogether.

  4. Today we're looking at Scientific Management, also known as Taylorism, after its originator, Frederick Winslow Taylor. Until the early 20th century, managers of factories had very little contact with their workers. There was little standardization and work processes weren't highly optimized. But then along came Frederick Taylor.

  5. Oct 3, 2021 · Who is Frederick Taylor? Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915) was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. As a teenager, Taylor spent time studying and traveling in Europe and enrolled in Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire in 1872. After graduating, he was accepted into Harvard Law School but was unable to attend due to poor eyesight.

  6. Jan 1, 2018 · Frederick Winslow Taylor was in many ways an enigma, even in his own time. In quite a few areas, he was very much a product and steward of his time. He was also a man of progress and in several ways considerably ahead of his time.

  7. Apr 27, 2015 · Photos (Corbis), Illustration by Gluekit. Around the turn of the 20th century, an American engineer named Frederick Winslow Taylor had a nutty idea about increasing industrial productivity.

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