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  1. Sep 18, 2017 · After several years of investigation, and what he described as dreams and visions, he became a Christian — a decision he recounted in his New York Times best-selling book, “Seeking Allah,...

    • Islam

      RNS covers global religion news, including politics,...

    • What are a few common misconceptions evangelical Christians have about Muslims?
    • There are agnostics who would say that your conversion really wasn’t a conversion at all — that Allah and the Christian God are the same, and you’re just swimming in a different river that leads to the same ocean.
    • What’s one part of the Bible that made you uncomfortable when you first became a Christian, and how did you handle it?
    • Recently, a devout, evangelical, Palestinian pastor was interviewed by Christianity Today and said, “I hope my brothers and sisters in the West … have enough room in their hearts not just for Israel but also for the Palestinians.”
  2. Apr 23, 2014 · Follow Him in His love, in His sacrifices, in His grace, so that by all means, some would be saved. It’s the resounding message of the Bible, and its worth our very lives. Bio: Dr. Qureshi has participated in 17 moderated, public debates around North America, Europe, and Asia.

  3. Nabeel Qureshi was raised as a devout Muslim in the Ahmadiyya tradition. However, when he was in university, he met another student who helped him realize the tremendous amount of evidence in favour of Christianity and against Islam.

    • Islam Was All
    • Encountering The Claims of Christ
    • Christ Is All
    • Ambassador and Apologist
    • Cancer
    • Glory and Joy

    Nabeel was born in California as a U.S. citizen to Pakistani immigrants who fled religious persecution at the hands of fellow Muslims. His parents were devout members of the peaceful Ahmadi sect of Islam, which differs from orthodox Islam on some minor doctrinesbut shares with it a belief in the six articles of faith 1. belief in tawheed [absolute ...

    In August 2001, while a student at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, Nabeel observed fellow student David Wood reading the Bible in his free time. Nabeel regularly read the Qur’an, but it struck him as odd to see a Christian reading the Bible on his own. Nabeel challenged David’s belief in Christianity, beginning with the charge that th...

    Nabeel described for Christianity Todayhis final conversion to Christ, while a medical student, and the effect it had on his world: In another place, he recounts the incredible pain this created in his family:

    Nabeel went on to study Christian apologetics at Biola University, graduating with an MA in 2008, while also completing his medical degree at Eastern Virginia Medical School, graduating in 2009. In 2012, he completed an MA in religion at Duke University, and then entered an MPhil and PhD program at Oxford University in New Testament studies. In 201...

    On the day of the book release for No God But One, Nabeel wrote the following on Facebook, announcing that he had been diagnosed with advanced stomach cancer: In October 2016, his wife, Michelle, suffered a miscarriage, and in May 2017, Nabeel announced that the radiation had not worked and that the cancer had spread to his chest. During this time,...

    Today, Nabeel Qureshi, beholding his Savior face to face, is able to declare what is true: Entering into the joy of his Master, he undoubtedly heard the words, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” A fund has been created for Nabeel’s wife and daughter, which you can contribute to here. Nabeel’s funeral was held on September 21, 2017. You can ...

  4. On Saturday, September 16, 2017, Nabeel Qureshi, age 34, entered into the joy of his master, Jesus Christ, after enduring a yearlong battle with cancer.

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  6. You can read an excellent overview of his life and ministry including the story of his conversion from Islam to Christianity that Justin Taylor of the Gospel Coalition has written here. But here are some of Nabeel’s own words about his conversion from Islam during Medical School: