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  1. Frank Rivers is the father of Resistance soldier Jacob Rivers. At some point before 1995, Frank attended a school in Reseda alongside John Connor. Despite not knowing him in person, he remembered...

    • Jacob Rivers

      Sergeant Jacob Rivers, serial number DN46890, is a...

  2. Jul 6, 2021 · While he narrates his story to David, FBI Special Agent Frank Rivers tracks David to find the rumored fortune. The chase between the gangster and the copper continues while the writer finds himself filling the gap.

    • Overview
    • History
    • Notes
    • Behind the scenes
    • Appearances

    "Listen to me if you want to live."

    - Jacob Rivers to his past self, Terminator: Resistance

    Original timeline

    Jacob Rivers grew up after Judgment Day, in the care of his father, Frank. On Jacob's birthday in 2012, Frank let Jacob go on his first scavenging run while teaching him the basics of scavenging as a birthday present. Frank took Jacob to Frank's old high school to help him search for a time capsule he buried before Judgment Day. Jacob grew increasingly worried because John Connor had said that the school and wider region were under the control of Skynet. They eventually found Frank's time capsule under a plaque that read, "Here Lies History." Once they opened it, Frank found all the stuff he buried in it, including a toy robot, a Combat-Carl looking action figure he gave to Jacob as another birthday present, and two letters, one written by Frank to his future self. Frank wanted to open the other letter, but Jacob reprimanded him from doing so, saying it was someone else's letter, not his. Frank then promised Jacob that the letter would not be opened until they found the person the letter was for. Suddenly, an HK-Aerial approached their position. Frank urged Jacob to hide until the Aerial came close. When it did, they made a run for it into the school. The HK-Aerial then spotted them and opened fire. They ran until they reached a locked door. As Frank asked Jacob to help him with the door, the HK-Aerial fired a rocket at the two that blew a hole in the floor. The blast knocked Frank unconscious and Jacob fell to the lower level. As Jacob was calling for his father to wake up, a T-600 Terminator banged on the door. Jacob hid from it as it breached and then sneaked out of the school as more T-600 Terminators began to show up. Jacob's father contacted him and told him to meet him at the old sewer network outside the school. Once Jacob reached the location, Frank, who was wounded, arrived. As they tried to escape, their path was blocked by a Terminator. They then tried to go the other way, but a T-808 appeared. Frank urged Jacob to run as the Terminator activated its flamethrower. Jacob eventually joined the Resistance, and was assigned to Pacific Division. He played a key role in taking down Skynet by revealing the location of Skynet's Central Core under the ruin of Griffith Observatory. Before its destruction, Skynet sent a T-850 Infiltrator to past to kill Rivers, along with a T-800 to 1984 to kill Sarah Connor and a T-1000 to 1995 to kill young John Connor. In order to save his past self, Rivers followed the T-850 to his Pasadena deployment. He became known as "The Stranger" in the alternate timeline.

    Resistance timeline

    In 2028, the entire Pacific Division, in which Rivers served, was wiped out by the Skynet force led by a single Infiltrator, leaving Rivers as the only known survivor. After evading Skynet's forces in Pasadena as the Annihilation Line arrives, Jacob makes an alliance with a pocket of human civilian survivors, including Jennifer, her surrogate brother Patrick, an elderly man named Ryan, scavenger Colin, and hospital nurse Erin, escaping together in a bus towards the south. The group eventually takes shelter in an abandoned series of industrial units, finding a large set of supplies seemingly left there for them. While gathering supplies for the survivors, Jacob is attacked by the same Infiltrator that destroyed Pacific Division, who kills Colin. Before the Infiltrator could kill Jacob, however, the Stranger that aided River's escape from Pasadena intervened, disabling the Infiltrator. Jacob later investigates a nearby hospital that was converted into a Skynet Research Facility, housing a number of South Division prisoners for experimentation. Jacob ends up freeing the survivors. As a result, Jacob met up with a Tech-Com unit, South Division, led by Commander Jessica Baron and learned that she was forced to abandon his unit during the attack on Pasadena in order to minimize further Resistance casualties. They are then forced to flee when they are ambushed by Skynet. Recruited into Baron's unit, Jacob was tasked with carrying out reconnaissance missions in order to cripple Skynet, the first in Pasadena. While carrying out his mission, Rivers was pursued by a T-850 Infiltrator, however, he received unexpected aid from an unidentified stranger. Convinced of the threat of the Terminator that targeted him, Baron provided shelter to the human civilians in Jacob's care. After suffering a sabotage in the Resistance defense systems, Rivers finally destroyed the T-850. He is incorporated to South Division and promoted to Sergeant after completing a reconnaissance mission for Commander Jessica Baron at the suggestion of John Connor. Later on, Jacob meets with Baron and Kyle Reese. Reese informs them that John Connor has ordered a team composed of Reese, Jacob, and Reese's subordinates Ferro and Evans to investigate the Northridge Outpost after it fell silent. Arriving at the Outpost, they find it overrun by Skynet forces. After dispatching all machines, they find no signs or evidence of the inhabitants' whereabouts. After receiving a radio transmission, the group head to Bakersfield despite the fact that Bakersfield is on the edge of the Annihilation Line's current position. After searching various sectors of Bakersfield, Jacob eventually finds an old man named Anselmo in a graveyard. After escaping, Anselmo reveals that the inhabitants of Northridge Outpost were seemingly evacuated by Resistance soldiers, before being taken to a Skynet factory. This leads the group to believe that Infiltrators disguised as Resistance soldiers kidnapped all the inhabitants of Northridge, and they were all incarcerated in the factory now. The next morning, the team's hideout is ambushed by a large Skynet force, with one of Skynet's new HK-Centurions crushing Anselmo as he wakes. After fighting through multiple squads of machines, Reese and co. escape from the Centurion and accompanying HK-Aerials. After escaping to a new hideout, Reese reveals the main intention of their mission: Before Northridge went silent, they took in a bunch of civilians, one of them being Jacob's father, Frank. Presumably because Skynet knew of Frank's connection to Jacob, one of its targets, Skynet dedicated a significant amount of resources to capture all the residents of Northridge. Deciding to mount a rescue, Reese and his squad later head out for the Annihilation Line with the intent to create a large diversion so Skynet will withdraw their security forces from the factory and Work Camp With the Infiltrators now a threat, John Connor tasks Jacob with seeking out scientist Dr. Edwin Mack in order to enlist his aid for fighting against Skynet. Upon meeting Mack, Jacob learned that Mack had developed the means to hack into Skynet's network and reprogram their forces into fighting for the Resistance. Skynet had been learning at a geometric rate and creating Time Displacement Equipment in order to wipe out the Resistance. Mack provided Jacob the means to seek out the location of Skynet's Central Core and requested Rivers to obtain a Terminator CPU in order to help reprogram Terminators for the Resistance. As he was carrying out the task, Jacob met up with the Stranger and was warned of an impending attack by Skynet. At this point, the fate of Jacob's allies become determinant on how much trust he has built up with them and whether or not he convinces them to leave the Resistance shelter; while also having to choose between warning Mack or assassinating him on Baron's orders due to an incident that left her lover killed by a Terminator. Jacob led an ill-fated raid on the Griffith Observatory where the Skynet Core was believed to be located. However, Jacob became the sole survivor again as the Stranger died protecting him. To make matters worse, Skynet assaulted the main Resistance Shelter, annihilating Baron's unit in the process. Left with no other choice and knowing the true coordinate of the Skynet Core, located by the Stranger, Jacob brought his findings to John. While meeting with John, Jacob learned that the Stranger was his future self from a previous timeline and had helped play a key role in assaulting Skynet with John. Jacob, after joining North Division, and John, led a main assault force on Skynet's Time Displacement Equipment, while another Resistance unit destroyed the Core. Despite the Resistance being victorious, Skynet succeeded in sending three Terminators before their defeat: the first one to kill Sarah Connor, the second one to kill John as a child, and the third Terminator tasked to kill Jacob. After the destruction of the Skynet, Jacob had to make the decision to either travel back in time to protect his past self, or stay in the present and have another Resistance soldier take his place as the protector instead.

    •Jacob was probably born between late 1999 and 2000 since in the Annihilation Line, he was 12 years old during 2012 at the beginning of the game.

    •Jacob joined three Resistance Units at his career: Pacific Division, South Division, and North Division. He was the only confirmed survivor of the two first ones.

    •The 12-year-old Jacob is voiced by Sammy Schwab.

    •Terminator: Resistance (First appearance)

    •Terminator: Resistance [Annihilation Line]

  3. Jun 24, 2021 · Minka Kelly plays Maureen, a woman Stone meets at the cheap motel where he is staying, and David James Elliot plays determined FBI agent Frank Rivers. Rockaway has a walk-on role as an assistant to Golda Meier, who becomes part of the story later in the tale.

  4. Jun 21, 2021 · Outside of all that, FBI agent Frank Rivers (David James Elliott) is convinced that Meyer Lansky has secretively tucked away $300,000,000 somewhere and is launching one more investigation that...

  5. Francine Sandra Rivers (born 1947) is an American author of fiction with Christian themes, including inspirational romance novels. Prior to becoming a born-again Christian in 1986, Rivers wrote historical romance novels.

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  7. Apr 16, 1997 · Martial artist Frank Rivers shows readers how to successfully negotiate the daily strife in their business and personal lives. Using the owl's bearing and conduct as a model for effectively handling conflict, he offers fresh and thoughtful strategies for confronting life's most complex challenges with poise and integrity.

    • Frank Rivers