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  2. The term Advaita (literally "non-secondness", but usually rendered as "nondualism", [3][4] and often equated with monism [note 4]) refers to vivartavada, the idea that "the world is merely an unreal manifestation (vivarta) of Brahman," [5] as proposed by the 13th century scholar Prakasatman. [6]

  3. Sep 19, 2024 · Advaita, one of the most influential schools of Vedanta, which is one of the six orthodox philosophical systems (darshans) of Indian philosophy. While its followers find its main tenets already fully expressed in the Upanishads and systematized by the Brahma-sutras (also known as the

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
    • Ātmān = True Self
    • Satchitananda = Nature of Atman Or Self
    • Drig Drishya Viveka
    • Avidya and Maya

    The ātmā or ātmān (individual consciousness) inside you is the true source of happiness. Adi Shankaracharyasays, “ātmā is your true nature, that makes you complete.” This inner reality is usually shielded by the outer world’s components (people, events, things). Here outer mask covers the godly reality hidden within the self. The desires we possess...

    Sat, Chit, and Ananda are the true nature of Atman. Sat is the knowingness of the consciousness, the desire to know, the ability to know, and you already know. Chit is the aliveness, the prana in you. The intensity of life is experienced based on the chit. Anandais the pleasantness and bliss that exists within Atma. The purpose of activities in our...

    Distinguishing seer from seen is one of the difficulties in Advaita. To get out of this ability is the nature of the self. As the sun doesn’t get affected in any way whatsoever, it shines upon, likewise the consciousness that light upon the activities of the mind does not truly affect the activities of Vritti that it illumines. The misinterpretatio...

    What is the hindrance behind the attainment of self? Adi Shankaracharya beautifully explains it; Ignorance and Maya (illusion). Ignorance is giving importance to the outer world and avoiding the inner world (Atman). When a person starts giving more attention to people, situations, and things, he forgets his true nature and gets stuck in the loophol...

  4. May 5, 1999 · Literally, "non-dualism," advaita is the name of the oldest extant school of vedAnta. advaita bases itself upon the upanishads, the brahma-sUtras and the bhagavad-gItA. advaita asserts that the real, essential identity of the jIva, the individual self, is nothing other than brahman Itself.

  5. Advaita Vedānta is the oldest extant tradition of Vedānta, and one of the six orthodox (āstika) Hindu philosophies (darśana).

  6. Advaita is often translated as “non-dualism” though it literally means “non-secondness.” Although Śaṅkara is regarded as the promoter of Advaita Vedānta as a distinct school of Indian philosophy, the origins of this school predate Śaṅkara. The existence of an Advaita tradition is acknowledged by Śaṅkara in his commentaries.

  7. Advaita Vedānta is a trans-theistic Vedāntic system, according to which Brahman is the only reality. The world of objects is only a projection of cosmic illusion ( Māyā ) in association with Brahman who is known as Īśvara or the creator god.