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    • Leading an audience towards

      • Abhinaya (Sanskrit abhi- 'towards' + nii- 'leading/guide') is the art of expression in Indian aesthetics. More accurately it means "leading an audience towards" the experience (bhava) of a sentiment (rasa).
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    Abhinaya (Sanskrit abhi-'towards' + nii-'leading/guide') is the art of expression in Indian aesthetics. More accurately it means "leading an audience towards" the experience ( bhava ) of a sentiment ( rasa ).

    • In Hinduism
    • In Buddhism
    • In Jainism
    • Languages of India and Abroad


    Abhinaya (अभिनय) refers to “(the technique of) representation”, which is used in communicating the meaning of the drama and calling forth the sentiment (rasa). According to the Nāṭyaśāstra 1.17-18, when Brahmā created the Nāṭyaveda he took abhinaya(histrionic representation) from the Yajurveda. Abhinaya (techniques of representation) can be summed up in four categories: 1. aṅgika(physical representation), 2. vācika(vocal representation), 3. āhārya(costumes and make-up), 4. sattvika(the temper...

    Purana and Itihasa

    Abhinaya (अभिनय).—In Agni Purāṇa, Chapter 342, Abhinaya has been defined as follows: Abhinaya is the art of presenting before the people the ideas that are to be communicated to them. There are four divisions of this art known as Sāttvika, Vācika, Āṅgika and Āhārya depending on Sattva, Vāk, Aṅga and Āhārya. Besides these, another division known as Abhimānika (Abhimānottha) may also be mentioned. This signifies the expression of rasas like Śṛṅgāra. There are two kinds of Śṛṅgāra known as Saṃbh...


    Abhinaya (अभिनय) is so called because in the performance of a play, it together with the Śākha, the Aṅga and the Upāṅga explains the meaning of different things. Why is it called the abhinaya? It is said in reply to this that the abhinaya is derived from the prefix abhi, and the verbal root nī meaning ‘to cause to get’ (to attain), and the sufix ac attached to these two. Hence a full answer to this should be made after a consideration of the root and its meaning. As the root nī preceded by ab...

    Tibetan Buddhism

    Abhinaya (अभिनय) refers to a “gesture”, according to the Nāmamantrārthāvalokinī by Vilāsavajra, which is a commentary on the Nāmasaṃgīti.—Accordingly, [while describing Ādibuddha]—“[...] He is tranquil, with the ornaments of a youth, in fine clothing, wearing about himself a many coloured garment. He has eight arms, holding at his heart with four hands the Śatasāhasrikāprajñāpāramitā divided into four parts, [and] carrying, in each of the other four hands, a sword of wisdom in the gesture of...

    General definition

    Abhinaya (अभिनय) refers to the “mode of conveyance” of the theatrical pleasure to the audience, which pleasure (called rasa), is pure and differs from the pleasure we derive from the actual contact with the objects of the world which is always mingled with pain.—(cf. Nāṭyaśāstra, GOS XXXVI, p. 7.) The four abhinayaaccording to the Nāṭyaśāstra and the Jain work Nāṭyadarpaṇa (pp. 188ff): 1. sāttvika, conveyed by effort of the mind; 2. āṅgika, conveyed by the body; 3. vācika, conveyed by express...

    Pali-English dictionary

    Abhinaya, (abhi + naya) a dramatic representation VvA.209 (sākhā°). (Page 65)

    Marathi-English dictionary

    abhinaya (अभिनय).—m S Action and postures expressive of sentiment; esp. the gestures and movements of dramatic representation. abhinaya (अभिनय).—mAction and postures expres- sive of sentiment, esp. the gesturesand movements of dramatic representation.

    Sanskrit dictionary

    Abhinaya (अभिनय).— 1) Acting, gesticulation, any theatrical action (expressive of some sentiment, passion &c.); नृत्याभिनयक्रियाच्युतम् (nṛtyābhinayakriyācyutam) Kumārasambhava 5.79; अभिनयान् परिचेतुमिवोद्यता (abhinayān paricetumivodyatā) R.9.33; नर्तकीरभिनयातिलङ्घिनीः (nartakīrabhinayātilaṅghinīḥ)19.14; Kirātārjunīya 1.42. 2) Dramatic representation, exhibition on the stage; ललिताभिनयं तमद्य भर्ता मरुतां द्रष्टुमनाः सलोकपालः (lalitābhinayaṃ tamadya bhartā marutāṃ draṣṭumanāḥ salokapālaḥ) V.2...

  3. Abhinaya is the means to carry the poets content and its aesthetic and philosophical significance towards the audience. It employs the mode of direct presentation, visual and oral perception in virtue of the intoned speeches, gestures and movements, facial expressions and physical poses, costumes etc.

  4. Abhinaya is a Sanskrit word that has a deep meaning and is used to convey the emotions and feelings of a character or a story. In different dictionaries, abhinaya is defined as the art of expression, the art of acting, the art of conveying emotions, and the art of leading towards the essence of a character or a story.

  5. Apr 23, 2016 · Abhinaya is the representational aspect of dance where a text or poem is interpreted by the dancer to evoke “rasa” in the spectators. It deals with the sentiment and emotions of the song, using the technique of the dance style.

  6. The four types of abhinaya are Angika abhinaya, Vanchika abhinaya, Aharya abhinaya and sattvika abhinaya. Share this Article: Abhinaya, a fundamental aspect of Indian aesthetics, embodies the art of expressive communication.

  7. Definition. Abhinaya refers to the expressive aspect of Indian classical dance and drama, encompassing the techniques used to convey emotions and tell stories through movement and gestures.