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  2. Aug 1, 2022 · The difference between informal language and formal language is that the former is spoken and informal, but the latter is written and formal. In this article, we will discuss more about informal language versus formal language.

  3. We use formal language in situations that are serious or that involve people we don’t know well. Informal language is more commonly used in situations that are more relaxed and involve people we know well. Formal language is more common when we write; informal language is more common when we speak.

    • Vocabulary. In English, there are lots of words that mean the same thing, but certain choices will be more suitable in formal or informal settings. If you are writing a formal email, you might begin the email with ‘Dear XXX’ whereas an informal greeting could be ‘Hey XXX’.
    • Tone, speed and volume. Tone is a great way to indicate how you feel about a subject. By varying your tone or volume you can change the meaning of what you are saying.
    • Grammar. When using formal language, grammar can be more complex and sentences are generally longer. Consider the different ways you could ask for directions
    • Pronunciation. Proper pronunciation is considered an indicator of politeness and formality. If you are mumbling – e.g. speaking quietly without opening your mouth fully – your speaker may not be able to understand you properly and it can be seen as rude or lazy.
  4. Quick Summary of Formal and Informal Language. The main difference between formal and informal language in writing is that formal language is more rigid and less personal, whereas informal language is more easygoing and adaptive.

    • Know in which situations you can use informal language. This table shows the main scenarios in which it is best to use formal language. Using very formal English in everyday situations can sound pompous, so always think about the context and your target audience.
    • Grammar. In formal language, grammar is more complex and sentences are generally longer. For example: We regret to inform you that the delivery will be delayed due to adverse weather conditions [formal]
    • Modal verbs. Formal language uses modal verbs. For example: We would be grateful if…. Could you kindly inform us as as to whether..?
    • Pronouns. Formal language is less personal, and is more likely to use the ‘we’ as a pronoun rather than ‘I’: For example: We can assist in the resolution of this matter.
  5. What is the difference between formal and informal language? Formal and informal language serve different purposes. The tone, the choice of words and the way the words are put together vary between the two styles. Formal language: less personal than informal language.

  6. Main Differences between Formal and Informal Language: Vocabulary and Word Choice: Formal: Formal language employs sophisticated vocabulary and avoids slang or colloquialisms. Informal: Informal language uses everyday words and may include slang or informal expressions. Sentence Structure and Grammar: