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  1. The Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences is a scientific award, funded by internet entrepreneurs Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan of Facebook; Sergey Brin of Google; entrepreneur and venture capitalist Yuri Milner; and Anne Wojcicki, one of the founders of the genetics company 23andMe.

  2. The Breakthrough Prize is the world’s largest science prize. Its founders are Sergey Brin, Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg, Julia and Yuri Milner, and Anne Wojcicki. The Prize recognizes discoveries in fundamental physics, life science and mathematics.

  3. Sep 14, 2023 · Breakthrough Prize Announces 2024 Laureates In Life Sciences, Fundamental Physics, And Mathematics “Oscars of Science” Awards $3 Million Prizes for Advances against Cancer, Cystic Fibrosis, Parkinson’s Disease; Deep Insights into Quantum Field Theory and Differential Geometry.

  4. The Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences honors transformative advances toward understanding living systems and extending human life. The Prize was founded in 2013 by Sergey Brin, Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg, Yuri and Julia Milner, and Anne Wojcicki.

  5. The Breakthrough Prizes are a set of international awards bestowed in three categories by the Breakthrough Prize Board in recognition of scientific advances.

  6. Sep 22, 2022 · Three Breakthrough Prizes in Life Sciences are awarded to: Clifford P. Brangwynne and Anthony A. Hyman for discovering a new mechanism of cellular organization; Demis Hassabis and John Jumper for developing AlphaFold, which accurately predicts the structure of proteins; and to Emmanuel Mignot and Masashi Yanagisawa for discovering the causes of ...

  7. The Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences are given annually. Each winner receives $3 million. One prize per year is designated for work contributing to the understanding of Parkinson’s Disease and Neurodegenerative Disorders.