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  2. Altered perception refers to a change in the way an individual experiences reality, often impacting their senses and cognitive processes. This phenomenon can lead to distorted thoughts, feelings, and interpretations of the environment, resulting in various cognitive and emotional challenges.

  3. Oct 3, 2022 · Sensory-perceptual alteration can be defined as when there is a change in the pattern of sensory stimuli, followed by an abnormal response to such stimuli. Such perceptions could be increased, decreased, or distorted with the patient's hearing, vision, touch sensation, smell, or kinesthetic responses to stimuli.

    • Isra Khan, Moien Ab Khan
    • United Arab Emirates University
    • 2021
    • 2022/10/03
    • How you focus your attention affects your perceptions. When you have an idea in your mind, you tend to look for evidence that supports that idea and not pay attention to evidence that says the idea isn’t accurate.
    • Most people don’t like uncertainty, so they classify people and experiences into categories. People also learn to associate outcomes with cues when they may not be related.
    • Your first perception affects your later perceptions and decisions. In some cases, buying a car is a good example of how this works. The sticker price for the car is $25,000, but the salesman gets you a special deal.
    • If you imagine an event occurring, your view of the likelihood of that event actually occurring increases. If you worry and ruminate about awful events, such as your spouse cheating on you, you are also increasing your sense of how likely it is that the awful event will occur.
  4. Jul 22, 2023 · Perceptual distortions refer to the misinterpretation or alteration of sensory information, resulting in subjective experiences that deviate from objective reality. These distortions can affect any of our senses, including vision, hearing, taste, touch, and smell.

  5. Mar 29, 2017 · Altered Perceptions. The human brain is constantly abuzz with electrical activity as brain cells, called neurons, respond to sensory input and give rise to the world we perceive. Six particular regions of the brain, called face patches, contain neurons that respond more to faces than to any other type of object.

  6. Oct 12, 2020 · Seeing, hearing or perceiving things that aren’t really there may seem like something to hide, but seeking help early can make a big difference. Maybe it’s a glimpse of a person that no one else seems to see. Or hearing voices that no one else seems to hear.