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  1. Feb 10, 2017 · But what did Gallus actually write? His compositions supposedly included four books of love elegies for the mistress of Mark Antony. An actress named Cytheris (whose stage name was Lycoris), thought to have been one of Mark Antony’s lovers, was elegised in one of the works by Gallus which Servius – a commentator on Virgil’s work – mentions. 5.

  2. What Gallus did write about himself may be summed up as follows: Before going to Poland, he likely spent some time in Hungary, where he met Polish duke Boleslaus III Wrymouth; he was a pilgrim; he revered Saint Giles; and he knew little about Scandinavia.

  3. Overview. Cornēlius Gallus, Gāius. Quick Reference. Appears in Rome in 43 bc as a mutual acquaintance of Asinius Pollio and Cicero. In 41 he had some sort of supervision of the confiscations of land, which involved Virgil's family farm.

  4. Gallus is a conspicuous figure in the social and political history of the revolu-tionary age. The first appearance of Gallus puts him at once in select and lettered company. Pollio describes him as a friend.2 Gallus cut a dash in high society-the freed-woman Volumnia, commonly known as Cytheris, the most accomplished courtesan

  5. C. Cornelius Gallus (‘Gallus’) was a Roman poet of the first century BCE, known for his elegiac love poetry. In the view of Ovid and Quintilian Ov. Tr. 4.10.53-4 Quint. Inst. 10.1.93, he is the first in a dynasty of four major Latin love elegists (Hollis 2007: 229).

  6. Feb 11, 2009 · But this prompts the question: who was responsible for this combination? Was the fusion of pastoral and erotic-elegiac detail Virgil's own, or did Gallus himself write love-elegies with a strong pastoral colouring, a type of poetry which Virgil then echoed in Eclogue 10?

  7. erotic-elegiac detail Virgil's own, or did Gallus himself write love-elegies with a strong pastoral colouring, a type of poetry which Virgil then echoed in Eclogue 10?