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    • Arable Land. Arable land is the essential ground where Indian farmers cultivate crops to feed the nation. It serves as the primary space where seeds are planted, and staples like rice, wheat, and vegetables grow.
    • Forest Land. India's diverse landscape encompasses a variety of ecosystems, with forest lands standing as vital contributors to the nation's environmental wealth.
    • Fallow Land. Fallow land refers to areas in fields that take a break from growing crops. There are two types: current fallow, which is a short break, and other than current fallow, which is a longer one.
    • Land Not Available for Cultivation. Land Not Available for Cultivation refers to areas that, for various reasons, are considered unsuitable for farming.
  1. Dec 7, 2023 · Current Fallow: Land left uncultivated for one agricultural year or less, allowing it to regain fertility naturally. Fallow other than Current Fallow: Land uncultivated for more than one year but less than five years; If left uncultivated for over five years, it becomes a culturable wasteland.

    • Unit III
    • Land Use Categories
    • Land put to Non-agricultural Uses :
    • (iv)
    • (viii)Fallow other than Current Fallow :
    • Land-use Changes in India
    • Common Property Resources
    • Agricultural Land Use in India
    • Cropping Seasons in India
    • Types of Farming
    • Problems of Indian Agriculture
    • Low productivity
    • Constraints of Financial Resources and Indebtedness
    • Lack of Land Reforms
    • Small Landholdings
    • Degradation of Cultivable Land
    • E X E R C I S E S

    Chapter 5 You must have observed that the land around you is put to different uses. Some land is occupied by rivers, some may have trees and on some parts roads and buildings have been built. Different types of lands are suited to different uses. Human beings thus, use land as a resource for production as well as residence and recreation. Thus, the...

    Land-use records are maintained by land revenue department. The land use categories add up to reporting area, which is somewhat different from the geographical area. The Survey of India is responsible for measuring geographical area of administrative units in India. Have you ever used a map prepared by Survey of India? The difference between the tw...

    Land under settlements (rural and urban), infrastructure (roads, canals, etc.), industries, shops, etc. are included in this category. An expansion in the secondary and tertiary activities would lead to an increase in this category of land-use. (iii) Barren and Wastelands : The land which may be classified as a wasteland such as barren hilly terrai...

    Area under Permanent Pastures and Grazing Lands : Most of this type land is owned by the village ‘Panchayat’ or the Government. Only a small proportion of this land is privately owned. The land owned by the village panchayat comes under ‘Common Property Resources’. (v) Area under Miscellaneous Tree Crops and Groves(Not included is Net sown Area) : ...

    This is also a cultivable land which is left uncultivated for more than a year but less than five years. If the land is left uncultivated for more than five years, it would be categorised as culturable wasteland. (ix) Net Area Sown : The physical extent of land on which crops are sown and harvested is known as net sown area.

    Land-use in a region, to a large extent, is influenced by the nature of economic activities carried out in that region. However, while economic activities change over time, land, like many other natural resources, is fixed in terms of its area. At this stage, one needs to appreciate three types of changes that an economy undergoes, which affect lan...

    Land, according to its ownership can broadly be classified under two broad heads – private land and common property resources (CPRs). While the former is owned by an individual or a group of individuals, the latter is owned by the state meant for the use of the community. CPRs provide fodder for the livestock and fuel for the households along with ...

    Land resource is more crucial to the livelihood of the people depending on agriculture: Agriculture is a purely land based activity unlike secondary and tertiary activities. In other words, contribution of land in agricultural output is more compared to its contribution in the outputs in the other sectors. Thus, lack of access to land is directly c...

    this season facilitate the cultivation of temperate and subtropical crops such as wheat, gram and mustard. Zaid is a short duration summer cropping season beginning after harvesting of rabi crops. The cultivation of watermelons, cucumbers, vegetables and fodder crops during this season is done on irrigated lands. However, this type of distinction i...

    On the basis of main source of moisture for crops, the farming can be classified as irrigated and rainfed (barani). There is difference in the nature of irrigated farming as well based on objective of irrigation, i.e. protective or productive. The objective of protective irrigation There are three distinct crop seasons in the northern and interior...

    The nature of problems faced by Indian agriculture varies according to agro-ecological and historical experiences of its different regions. Hence, most of the agricultural problems in the country are region specific. Yet, there are some problems which are common and range from physical constraints to institutional hindrances. A detailed discussion ...

    The yield of the crops in the country is low in comparison to the international level. Per hectare output of most of the crops such as rice, wheat, cotton and oilseeds in India is much lower than that of U.S.A., Russia and Japan. Because of the very high pressure on the land resources, the labour productivity in Indian agriculture is also very low ...

    The inputs of modern agriculture are very expensive. This resource intensive approach has become unmanageable for marginal and small farmers as they have very meagre or no saving to invest in agriculture. To tide over these difficulties, most of such farmers have resorted to availing credit from various institutions and money lenders. Crop failures...

    Indian peasantry had been exploited for a long time as there had been unequal distribution of land. Among the three revenue systems operational during British period i.e. Mahalwari, Ryotwari and Zamindari, the last one was most exploitative for the peasants. After independence, land reforms were accorded priority, but these reforms were not impleme...

    There farmers of the than of the smaller of land holding is shrinking further under increasing population pressure. Furthermore, in India, the land holdings are mostly fragmented. There are some states where consolidation of holding has not been carried out even once. Even the states where it has been carried out once, second consolidation is requi...

    One of the serious problems that arises out of faulty strategy of irrigation and agricultural development is degradation of land resources. This is serious because it may lead to depletion of soil fertility. The situation is particularly alarming in irrigated areas. A large tract of agricultural land has lost its fertility due to alkalisation and s...

    1. Choose the right answers of the following from the given options. Which one of the following is NOT a land-use category? Fallow land (c) Net Area Sown Marginal land (d) Culturable Wasteland What one of the following is the main reason due to which share of forest has shown an increase in the last forty years? Extensive and efficient efforts of a...

  2. In many countries, big companies have taken control of millions of hectares in recent years, at a rate much faster than that of the expansion of cultivated land over the previous decades. While such phenomena have stirred up much local resistance and growing concern, they have not given rise to big conflicts for now.

  3. Jul 4, 2018 · Uncultivated land is ground that hasn’t been cultivated in the past 15 years by: physical means, such as ploughing or an activity that breaks the soil surface. chemical means, such as adding...

  4. Fallow of one year is called ‘current fallow’ while that of 2 to 5 years is classified as ‘fallow other than current fallow’. Fallow land is left uncultivated from 1 to 5 years to help soil recoup its fertility in the natural way depending upon the nature of soil and the nature of fanning.

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  6. Uncultivated land other than fallow land is divided into permanent pastures, land under miscellaneous tree crops and land left uncultivated for more than five years. Land not available for cultivation is either barren wasteland or land used for non-agricultural purposes.