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  2. Aug 19, 2019 · It's a red flag if a man is excessively charming and polite when you first start dating, and could even be a sign they're grooming you

  3. Aug 22, 2024 · From maintaining eye contact and mirroring actions to showing genuine concern and wanting to know the real you – these are all indicators of a man finding you incredibly attractive. But remember, attraction is complex and unique to each individual.

  4. Dec 21, 2021 · While genuine charisma and politeness aren’t bad, too much charm in a guy is a sign to pump the brakes and back away. Here’s why you should always proceed with caution when dealing with the overly charming guy. He’s a player in disguise.

    • People Who Insist That They’Re Nice Rarely Are
    • They Could Have A Martyr Complex.
    • They Can Be manipulative.
    • They Don’T Allow Themselves to Be Fully Human.
    • They Might Be on Drugs.
    • They’Re Really annoying.
    • Niceness Isn’T Entirely Honest.

    “I’m a really nice person!” = an instant cue for you to take off at a run and never look back. Basically, people are rarely what they claim to be, and those who maintain that they are a certain way are usually overcompensating for what they aren’t. A lady doesn’t have to announce what she is—you can just tell by her behavior. Same goes for a nice p...

    Also known as martyr/victim complex, this is a syndrome that affects more people than you might realize, and is a ticking time bomb. People with martyr complexes sacrifice their own happiness, health, and wellbeing to care for others, while breeding anger and resentment below the surface. They maintain a façade of selflessness and servitude, puttin...

    Being overly nice is also a form of manipulation—an attempt to get what you want by displaying unwarranted affection. Whether it’s the stereotypical damsel in distress routine some women put on in order to persuade a passing gentleman to help, or the mask some narcissistic men wear to lure a partner, being “too nice” can be a sign of ulterior motiv...

    Constant niceness is a façade, and not a good one. See, the thing about a mature being humanis that we all come with a veritable maelstrom of emotions ranging from kindness and compassion to rage and despair. When someone is nice all the time, you can be certain that they have all kinds of other emotions beneath the surface. Yet they have such a ne...

    Don’t dismiss this one outright—it’s actually very plausible. If the uber-nice person you know doesn’t get upset, frustrated, or angry no matter what the circumstances, it’s entirely possible that they’re self-medicating to the point of catatonia. Sure, they could be on prescription drugs of some kind, but even those allow people to feel the wealth...

    Nice people are boring as mashed potato and white bread sandwiches. Yeah, okay, a nice person can be tolerable for a short period of time, but the constant saccharine sweetness can be overwhelmingly irritating. One bite of triple-chocolate cake is okay, but an entire slice of it (let alone half the gateau) will make you nauseated. It’s appreciated ...

    Someone who is overly nice is undoubtedly a liar. They lie to themselvesabout how they really feel inside, and they lie to other people in order to make sure that they don’t upset anyone, even when that’s detrimental. They’re so worried about upsetting others or being perceived as unkind that they’ll be thoroughly dishonest… and no-one wants that. ...

    • Catherine Winter
    • He’s comfortable in his own skin. True confidence isn’t about being the loudest man in the room or the one with the most impressive accomplishments. In fact, it’s quite the opposite.
    • He doesn’t shy away from vulnerability. This one always reminds me of a guy I met a couple of years ago. I was at a social gathering, and there was this man who stood out from the crowd.
    • He values respect over power. In the animal kingdom, silverback gorillas are known for their dominating presence and power. But interestingly, recent studies have shown that the most successful leaders among them are those who exhibit respect towards others in their group, not aggression.
    • He has a positive outlook. Life can get real tricky, and we all go through some tough stuff. But there’s this guy who’s just naturally cool and charming.
  5. Jan 17, 2018 · Charm is the ability to make other people like you and the mistaken belief that this comes natural can be cancerous. Whether you are being liked or not is under your control. Here are 20 signs that prove you are charming person even if you are not aware of it. 1.

  6. Jul 1, 2023 · 1. He Mirrors Your Actions. You know what they say: imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. When you notice he’s adopting some of your phrases or subtly mirroring your body language,...