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      • Rockstar is a computer programming language designed for creating programs that are also hair metal power ballads.
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  2. The Rockstar Games Launcher is a new Windows desktop application that allows you to quickly and easily access your Rockstar Games PC collection in a single place, across both digital and disc-based titles including ones purchased from various other...

  3. GTA+ is a new membership program exclusively for GTA Online on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S — providing easy access to a range of valuable benefits for both new and long-standing players.

  4. Ever since its introduction alongside GTA Online for PS5 and Xbox Series X|S, the GTA+ Membership has been the best way for everyone to get the most out of their GTA Online experience on these platforms. GTA+ features a continuous and varying...

  5. › docsdocs - ROCKSTAR

    • Queue Operations
    • Splitting Strings and Type Conversions
    • Truthiness
    • Constants vs Keywords
    • Literals and Assignment
    • Comparison
    • Logical Operations
    • Input/Output
    • Types Continued
    • Flow Control and Block Syntax

    Rockstar arrays can also be created and manipulated by the queue operations rock and roll. (The aliases push and popare supported for Rockstar developers who are into 80s dance music.)

    A note about mutations

    Some operations in Rockstar will either act in-place, modifying the variable passed to them, or will leave thesource variable unmodified and place their output into a target variable. These operations are known as mutation operations, and they all have the following syntax: 1. Modify X- acts in-place 2. Modify X into Y - leave X alone and put modified output into Y 3. Modify X with Z - modify X in-place, with optional parameter Z 4. Modify X into Y with Z - modify X, using parameter Z, and pu...

    Splitting Strings

    To split a string in Rockstar, use the cut mutation (aliases split and shatter) String splitting can either operate in-place, or place results into an output variable.You can specify an optional delimiter; if no delimiter is provided, the string is splitinto a character array. In-place string splitting is only valid when the first argument is a variable; the following would be invalid (because where would the result actually go?)

    Joining Arrays

    To join an array in Rockstar, use the join mutation, or the alias unite

    The results of comparisons often rely on a concept called ‘truthiness’. If the value is truthy, it will be implicitly converted to true. If it is falsy, it will be implicitly converted to false. 1. Mysterious - Falsy 2. Null - Falsy 3. Boolean - Truthy if True, Falsy if False 4. Number - If equal to zero, falsy. Otherwise, truthy. 5. String - Truth...

    Words that are used to construct a literal of a certain type are referred to as constants and words that are used to construct various syntax constructs are referred to as keywords

    String literals in Rockstar use double quotes. 1. "Hello San Francisco" Numeric literals in Rockstar are written as decimal numbers 1. 123 2. 3.141592654 Assignment is done using either put into or let be : 1. Put 123 into X will assign the value 123 to the variable X 2. Put "Hello San Francisco" into ...

    Similar to the single-equals operator in Visual Basic and some scripting languages, the is keyword in Rockstar is interpreted differently depending whether it appears as part of a statement or as part of an expression. isn't is the logical negation of the iskeyword. Comparison in Rockstar can only be done within an expression. 1. Tommy is nobody in...

    Rockstar has 4 different logical operators that first convert their operand(s) to a boolean by truthiness. 1. A and B returns the Conjunction 2. A or B returns the Disjunction 3. A nor B returns the Joint Denial 4. not A returns the Negationof its single argument. All logical operators are short circuiting. This means if evaluating the first argume...

    Use the Listen keyword to read one line of input from STDIN. Use Listen toto capture the input into a named variable. 1. Listen to your heart - read one line of input from STDIN and store it in your heart Use the Say keyword to write the value of a variable to STDOUT. 1. Say Tommy - will output the value stored in Tommy to STDOUT Rockstar defines S...

    Operator Precedence

    The higher, the tighter the binding. This is the precedence we generally expect from our math. 1. Function Call (greedy arguments) 2. Logical NOT (right-associative) 3. Multiplication and Division (left-associative) 4. Addition and Subtraction (left-associative) 5. Comparison operators (left-associative) 6. and, or, and nor(left-associative) 1. A taking B times C plus not D times E and F is equivalent to ((A(B) * C) + (!D * E)) && F

    Binary Comparison

    Equality comparisons (is, ain't, is not) are allowed between types if they are the same type or they can be compared by the rules below. Two arrays are equal if their elements are equal. Ordering comparisons (is higher than, is lower than, is as high as, and is as low as) are only allowed if the operands are both Numbers or both Strings or they are converted to such an arrangement according to the rules below. Numbers are compared as expected. Strings are compared lexicographically. 1.

    Increment and Decrement Operators

    1. String => Error 2. Boolean => Invert Boolean 3. Null => coerce to zero (My world is nothing / build my world upcan be used to initialise a counter loop, for example.) 4. Mysterious => Error


    Conditional expressions start with the If keyword, followed by an expression. If the expression evaluates to true, then the subsequent code block is executed. Optionally, an Else block can be written after an If block. The code block following the Else keyword would be executed if the If expression evaluated to false. For the purpose of conditional expressions, 0, mysterious, null, false, and the empty string all evaluate to false, and everything else to true.


    Similar to the If statement, a loop is denoted by the While or Untilkeyword, which will cause the subsequent code block to be executed repeatedly whilst the expression is satisfied: That’ll initialize Tommy with the value 16 (using the poetic number literal syntax) and then loop, decrementing Tommy by 1 each time until Tommy equals zero (i.e ain't nothingreturns false). The break and continue statements work as they do in most block-based languages. Rockstar defines Break it down as an alias...


    A block in Rockstar starts with an If, Else, While or Untilstatement, and is terminated by a blank line or the end-of-file. EOF ends all open code blocks

  6. Question: How do I perform a clean install of the Rockstar Games Launcher?Answer: To perform a clean install of the Rockstar Games Launcher, follow these steps:Uninstall the Rockstar Games LauncherClose any Rockstar Games titles that are runningNavigate to the Rockstar Games Launcher installation folderDefault: C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\LauncherDouble-click the…

  7. Rockstar is a computer programming language designed for creating programs that are also hair metal power ballads. Here’s Fizzbuzz in Rockstar.

  8. Rockstar Games, Inc. is an American video game publisher based in New York City. The company was established in December 1998 as a subsidiary of Take-Two Interactive, using the assets Take-Two had previously acquired from BMG Interactive.