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  1. The University of Mysore is a public state university in Mysore, Karnataka, India. The university was founded during the reign of Maharaja Krishnaraja Wadiyar IV and the premiership of Sir M. Visvesvaraya. The university is recognised by the University Grants Commission for offering higher studies degree courses on-campus as well as online. It ...

  2. About University of Mysore. The University of Mysore was established on July 27, 1916. It is the sixth oldest in the country and the first in the state of Karnataka. Also, in a sense it is the first university of the country to be established outside the limits of the British India. The university was founded as a result of the efforts of the ...

  3. The University of Mysore is a public state university in Mysore, Karnataka, India. The university was founded during the reign of Maharaja Krishnaraja Wadiyar IV and the premiership of Sir M. Visvesvaraya. The university is recognised by the University Grants Commission for offering higher studies degree courses on-campus as well as online. It ...

    • PROSPECTUS - 2020
    • Vision Vision
    • Mission Mission
    • Motto Motto
    • For For Social Social media media
    • Chairs/Centres
    • Green Green Campus Campus
    • Banking Banking Services Services
    • Cafeteria Cafeteria
    • Centre Centre for for Competitive Competitive Examinations Examinations
    • Centre Centre for for Proficiency Proficiency Development Development and and Placement Placement Service Service (CPDPS) (CPDPS)
    • Employment, Employment, Information Information and and Guidance Guidance Bureau Bureau
    • Health Health Centre(s) Centre(s)
    • International International Centre Centre
    • Internet Internet Access Access
    • K-SET K-SET Centre Centre
    • Postal Postal Services Services
    • Scholarships Scholarships
    • Special Special Cell Cell for for SC/ SC/ ST ST students students
    • Sports Sports Facilities Facilities
    • Student Student Welfare Welfare
    • Special Special Provision Provision
    • Anti-Ragging Anti-Ragging
    • No No Smoking Smoking Area Area
    • Hostel Hostel Facilities Facilities
    • Aadhar Aadhar Registration Registration
    • Faculty Faculty of of Arts Arts
    • Faculty Faculty of of Science Science and and Technology Technology
    • Faculty Faculty of of Commerce Commerce
    • PG PG Diploma Diploma Courses Courses
    • Faculty Faculty of of Science Science
    • Diploma Diploma Courses Courses
    • Certificate Certificate Course Course
    • Courses Courses offered offered under under scheme scheme 'A' 'A' only only
    • Courses
    • Faculty Faculty of of Science Science
    • PG PG Diploma Diploma
    • Certificate Certificate
    • Faculty Faculty of of Commerce Commerce M.Com M.Com
    • Faculty Faculty of of Science Science and and Technology Technology
    • College, College, Mysore Mysore
    • Master's Master's Degree Degree Courses Courses under under Faculty Faculty of of Arts Arts
    • Christianity 6. 6. Christianity
    • Journalism 7. 7. Journalism and and Mass Mass Communication Communication
    • Dance 8. 8. Dance
    • Development 9. 9. Development Studies Studies
    • 10. 10. Economics Economics
    • 14. 14. Hindi Hindi
    • 15. 15. History History
    • Sanskrit 25 25 Sanskrit
    • International 33 33 International Relations Relations
    • Master's Master's Degree Degree Courses Courses under under Faculty Faculty of of Science Science and and Technology Technology
    • Botany 4 4 Botany
    • Chemistry 7 7 Chemistry
    • Food 13 13 Food Science Science and and Nutrition Nutrition
    • Mathematics 23 23 Mathematics
    • Master's Master's Degree Degree Course Course under under Faculty Faculty of of Education Education
    • Diploma Diploma Courses
    • Computing Computing (HPC) (HPC) (DoS (DoS in in Computer Computer Science.) Science.)
    • Geographical 9 9 Geographical Information Information system(GIS) system(GIS)
    • 10 10 Remote Remote Sensing Sensing
    • No. No.
    • Spanish 6 6 Spanish Language Language
    • Functional 3 3 Functional Hindi Hindi
    • Kannada 4 4 Kannada
    • Prakrit 5 5 Prakrit
    • Urdu 6 6 Urdu
    • 1. 1. Post Post Graduate Graduate Diploma Diploma in in Software Software

    [M.Phil., PG/UG Degree, PG Diploma/Diploma and Certificate Programmes] h

    To To aspire aspire to to become become a a world-class world-class University University by by tapping tapping human human resources resources from from all all sections sections of of society society by by offering offering them them opportunities opportunities to to learn learn across across disciplines, disciplines, and and to to build build hu...

    Built Built on on a a great great legacy legacy inherited inherited from from our our founding founding fathers, fathers, our our mission mission is is to to create create an an environment environment of of stimulating stimulating intellectual intellectual dialogue dialogue across across disciplines disciplines and and harvest harvest knowledge kn...

    The The motto motto of of the the University University is is well well engraved engraved on on its its emblem: emblem: (depicting (depicting the the bird bird ‘Gandabherunda’ ‘Gandabherunda’ flanked flanked on on either either side side by by lion-elephant lion-elephant Sharaba Sharaba – – a a mythical mythical creature creature believed believed ...

    Facebook Facebook login: login: coordinator coordinator swayam swayam @ @ Twitter Twitter login: login: coordinator coordinator swayam swayam @ @ Email: Email: coordinator coordinator swayam swayam @ @ Unique Unique Centres Centres Study Study Ch...

    Kuvempu   Kuvempu Kavya Kavya Gubbi   Gubbi Veeranna Veeranna Christianity   Christianity Swami   Swami Vivekananda Vivekananda  D Devaraja D Devaraja Dr.Zakir   Dr.Zakir Hussain Hussain Planning   Planning Commission Commission Tippu   Tippu Sultan Sultan Sir.M.Visveswaraya   Sir.M.Visveswaraya State   State Bank Bank Dr.   Dr...

    The The Crawford Crawford Hall Hall houses houses the the offices offices of of the the Vice-Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, the the Registrar, Registrar, the the Registrar Registrar (Evaluation) (Evaluation) and and the the Finance Finance Officer Officer of of the the University. University. The The Office Office of of the the Administrative Adminis...

    The The University University is is a a leader leader in in solarization solarization of of its its campus campus providing providing power power to to street street lamps lamps and and solar solar water water heaters heaters in in all all hostels. hostels. The The campus campus has has a a good good number number of of well well maintained maintai...

    The The State State Bank Bank of of India India has has opened opened two two branches, branches, one one at at the the Manasagangotri Manasagangotri Campus Campus and and the the other other at at the the Crawford Crawford Hall, Hall, which which provides provides banking banking and and ATM ATM facilities. facilities.

    There There is is a a centrally centrally located located canteen canteen at at Manasagangotri Manasagangotri campus campus which which caters caters to to the the needs needs of of students, students, faculty faculty and and the the general general public. public.

    The The Centre Centre for for Competitive Competitive Examinations Examinations provides provides special special training training to to equip equip students students for for various various Competitive Competitive Examinations Examinations such such as as IAS, IAS, KAS, KAS, IPS, IPS, IFS, IFS, NET NET and and SET, SET, Banking Banking Services S...

    The The University University has has established established the the Centre Centre for for Proficiency Proficiency Development Development and and Placement Placement Services Services (CPDPS). (CPDPS). The The Centre Centre offers offers programs programs for for overall overall proficiency proficiency and and personality personality development ...

    It It is is located located in in the the University University Library Library building building at at Manasagangotri Manasagangotri to to provide provide information information on on courses courses and and career career opportunities. opportunities. Students Students can can register register their their names names for for employment employmen...

    There There are are two two Health Health Centers Centers -- one one located located at at Maharaja’s Maharaja’s College College campus campus and and the the other other at at the the Manasagangotri Manasagangotri campus campus of of the the University University of of Mysore, Mysore, to to take take care care of of the the medical medical needs n...

    The The International International Centre Centre is is located located at at the the University University College College of of Fine Fine Arts Arts at at Manasagangotri. Manasagangotri. This This is is a a single-window single-window system system facilitating facilitating the the academic academic requirements requirements of of foreign foreign ...

    The The entire entire Manasagangotri Manasagangotri campus campus has has wired wired and and wireless wireless internet internet browsing browsing facilities. facilities. More More details details can can be be had had from from ICD ICD (Information (Information Communication Communication Division), Division), Department Department of of Studies ...

    The The UGC UGC and and Government Government of of Karnataka Karnataka have have identified identified University University of of Mysore Mysore as as a a Nodal Nodal Agency Agency to to conduct conduct Karnataka Karnataka SET SET (K-SET) (K-SET) for for Lecturership. Lecturership. The The centre centre is is located located in in Moulya Moulya Bh...

    India India Post Post is is running running two two Post Post Offices, Offices, one one at at the the Manasagangotri Manasagangotri campus campus and and the the other other at at Crawford Crawford Hall Hall with with savings/recurring savings/recurring deposits, deposits, telephone telephone and and Speed Speed Post Post services. services.

    The The State State and and Central Central Governments Governments have have been been awarding awarding a a number number of of scholarships scholarships to to meritorious meritorious and and deserving deserving students. students. Subject Subject scholarships, scholarships, Endowment Endowment scholarships, scholarships, Sports Sports scholarshi...

    There There is is a a Special Special Cell Cell to to look look after after the the welfare welfare of of SC/ST SC/ST students. students. The The cell cell also also awards awards fellowships fellowships to to students students for for carrying carrying out out research. research. Special Special coaching coaching classes classes are are conducted ...

    Directorate Directorate of of Physical Physical Education Education looks looks after after the the sports sports activities. activities. The The University University has has sports sports fields, fields, cricket cricket stadium, stadium, tennis tennis courts, courts, gymnasium, gymnasium, indoor indoor stadia stadia and and a a swimming swimmin...

    Directorate Directorate of of Student Student Welfare Welfare located located at at EMRC EMRC building building in in Manasagangotri Manasagangotri campus, campus, looks looks after after the the student student welfare welfare programmes programmes in in the the University. University. The The students students are are encouraged encouraged to to ...

    Supernumerary Supernumerary seats seats have have been been earmarked earmarked for for all all P.G. P.G. courses courses for for the the children children of of those those farmers farmers from from Karnataka Karnataka who who have have committed committed suicide suicide under under the the pressure pressure of of debts debts as as per per govern...

    The The University University shows shows zero zero tolerance tolerance to to ragging. ragging. Every Every student student has has to to sign sign a a declaration declaration that that he/she he/she will will not not indulge indulge in in any any form form of of ragging ragging and and other other unlawful unlawful activities. activities.

    All All the the postgraduate postgraduate campuses campuses coming coming under under the the jurisdiction jurisdiction of of the the University University are are declared declared “No “No Smoking Smoking Areas” Areas” and and any any violation violation in in this this regard regard would would invite invite severe severe punishment. punishment.

    The The University University maintains maintains Men’s Men’s and and Women’s Women’s hostels hostels as as detailed detailed below. below. Students Students may may approach approach the the Director Director of of Student Student Welfare/ Welfare/ Faculty Faculty Advisors Advisors of of the the hostels hostels for for further further information ...

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    • 8MB
    • 51
  4. Founded during the reign of Krishnaraja Woodeyar IV (the Maharaja of Mysore) in 1916, the University of Mysore is a public state university based in Mysore, Karnataka in India. It was the first university set up outside of the British administration in India, the sixth in India and the first in Karnataka. Comprising 122 affiliated colleges and ...

    • Mysuru, 570005, KA
  5. Maharaja Jayachamarajendra Wadiyar. Founder, University of Mysore. Maharaja Jayachamarajendra Wadiyar(18 July 1919 – 23 September 1974), was the twenty-fifth maharaja of the Kingdom of Mysore from 1940 to 1971, ruling from 1940 until the monarchy was abolished in 1950, continuing to hold the title of maharaja until princely titles were abolished in 1971, and remaining head of the erstwhile royal family with the unofficial title of maharaja thereafter through his death.

  6. People also ask

  7. The University of Mysore was established on 27th July, 1916 during the benevolent reign of the Maharaja of Mysore, His Highness Nalvadi Krishnaraja Wodeyar (1884-1940). The genesis of the University of Mysore stems from a five year long in-depth reading and analysis on higher education across the globe.