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  1. Arya initially wanted to become a pilot in Indian Airforce, but his father got scared and told him to complete his engineering first before doing anything else. During his college days, his friend and actor Srikanth started acting and insisted him to try his luck in acting.

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  2. › wiki › Arya_StarkArya Stark - Wikipedia

    Arya Stark is a fictional character in American author George R. R. Martin 's A Song of Ice and Fire epic fantasy novel series and its HBO television adaptation Game of Thrones, where she was portrayed by English actress Maisie Williams.

    • Overview
    • Biography
    • Kill list
    • Personality
    • Quotes
    • Behind the scenes
    • In the books

    "A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell, and I'm going home."

    ―Arya Stark re-asserts her identity to Jaqen H'ghar

    Arya Stark is the third child and second daughter of Lord Eddard Stark and his wife, Lady Catelyn Stark. She is the sister of the incumbent Westerosi monarchs, Sansa, Queen in the North, and Brandon, King of the Andals and the First Men.

    After narrowly escaping the persecution of House Stark by House Lannister, Arya is trained as a Faceless Man at the House of Black and White in Braavos, using her abilities to avenge her family. Upon her return to Westeros, she exacts retribution for the Red Wedding by exterminating the Frey male line.

    Returning to Winterfell, Arya initially finds herself at odds with Sansa due to the naïvety of her youth and perceived lack of support for their "half-brother", Jon Snow, King in the North. However, their tumultuous relationship is discovered to be the result of Petyr Baelish's manipulation, and the two mend their sisterhood following his execution for his crimes against House Stark.

    Arya then plays a significant role in the Great War, effectively ending the conflict through her killing of the Night King during the Battle of Winterfell. Afterwards, Arya rides south with Sandor Clegane to kill Cersei Lannister, not intent on returning to Winterfell. She arrives at King's Landing as it is being destroyed by Daenerys Targaryen. Sandor convinces Arya to abandon her quest for vengeance and Arya tries to help the smallfolk survive the destruction of King's Landing, though she fails. Weeks later, following Daenerys's assassination to stop her further destruction, Arya is part of the great council that decides the future of Westeros, during which Arya's younger brother Bran is chosen as king. After bidding farewell to her siblings, Arya decides to leave Westeros and sail west to discover what lies beyond where the maps of the known world end.


    Arya Stark is the youngest daughter and third child of Lady Catelyn and Lord Ned Stark. Arya was born and raised at Winterfell. She has an older sister, Sansa, an older brother Robb, two younger brothers Bran and Rickon Stark, and a "bastard half-brother" Jon Snow. Arya rejects the notion that she must become a lady and marry for influence and power. Instead, she believes that she can forge her own destiny. She is fascinated by warfare and training in the use of arms, and is bored by embroidery and other "lady-like" pursuits. She takes after her father and has a quarrelsome relationship with her sister Sansa, due to their contrasting interests and personalities. She is close to her "half-brother" Jon, who is also something of an outsider.

    Game of Thrones: Season 1

    Arya is being taught how to sew by Septa Mordane, but finds the exercise tedious and difficult, in contrast to her sister Sansa, whose stitching is praised by Septa Mordane. She looks on enviously as her brothers Bran, Jon, and Robb practice archery in the courtyard with their father. She grabs a bow and annoys Bran by out-shooting him. Robb and Jon are impressed while Bran chases Arya as their family laughs at their antics. On King Robert's visit to Winterfell, Arya rushes out to see the arrival of his entourage. She is scolded when she finally joins the receiving line in the courtyard. Arya is overheard by Queen Cersei when she asks Sansa where the "Imp" is, a reference to Tyrion. Later that evening at the feast, she tests her mother's patience by misbehaving and throwing food at her sister, prompting Robb to send her to bed early. Robert names Arya's father as his Hand of the King, Joffrey is betrothed to Sansa, and Eddard decides to take his daughters with him to King's Landing to experience the court. Before leaving, Arya receives a pet direwolf, one of several pups found by her brothers outside the castle, and names her Nymeria, after a great warrior-queen of Essos. She also receives a sword as a gift from Jon. She names it Needle, as a play on words that she may now enjoy doing "needlework." While journeying south on the Kingsroad, she practices her swordplay with Mycah, the son of the butcher in the King's retinue whom she befriends. When Sansa and Joffrey spot them fighting, Joffrey intervenes. He accuses Mycah of pretending to be a knight and threatens him for striking Arya. Ignoring their protests, he cuts Mycah and threatens Arya when she attacks him to defend Mycah. As Joffrey menaces her with a sword, Nymeria savages Joffrey, injuring his arm, allowing Mycah to flee and Arya to throw Joffrey's sword in the river. Arya runs away and drives Nymeria off with rocks so that she won't be punished. Arya is eventually found and questioned. Arya is truthful but Sansa lies about the incident, saying she didn't see what happened, but generally supporting Joffrey. This infuriates Arya, who proceeds to strike her sister and call her a liar. Queen Cersei, as they do not have Arya's wolf Nymeria, the one who actually bit Joffrey, spitefully requests that Sansa's direwolf Lady be executed instead. Despite the fact that she had just struck Sansa for lying to save her budding friendship with Joffrey, Arya quickly joins her sister in vehemently protesting against killing Lady. She even reaches out to touch Sansa in sympathy as she breaks down into tears upon seeing that the queen's order will be carried out nonetheless. Meanwhile, Mycah is murdered by Joffrey's bodyguard, the Hound. After reaching King's Landing, Arya argues incessantly with Sansa over the incident, to her father's despair. Eddard tries to make Arya understand that Sansa could not contradict her future husband. Arya is disgusted that Eddard thinks such an excuse is acceptable and questions why he would betroth Sansa to someone like Joffrey. Eddard discovers Needle when he comes to Arya's room to talk to her while she is practicing. When he realizes she is serious about learning, he hires Syrio Forel, a master sword-fighter who was formerly the First Sword of Braavos, to train Arya in the art of combat. Eddard is bemused to find that Syrio's training regime includes having Arya balance on her tiptoes for hours at a time and chasing cats around their new residence in the Red Keep to learn agility. Arya and her father discuss how Bran cannot be a knight now that he is paralyzed below the waist, but he can be lord of a holdfast, or sit on the King's council. When Arya asks if she can as well, Eddard laughs and says that someday she will marry a powerful lord and have children who can be lords or even king and rule the land. Arya replies that is not her destiny: "That's not me". Arya watches the Hand's tournament along with Septa Mordane and Sansa. She asks Littlefinger how he got his nickname, to his amusement. Arya later resumes her cat-chasing training exercise and finds her way into the dungeons under the Red Keep, where she sees the dragon skulls that used to decorate the throne room. She overhears Varys and Illyrio Mopatis plotting about the likelihood of future war between the Starks and Lannisters and the possible timing of Khal Drogo bringing his army across the Narrow Sea with the Targaryen exiles. Following them, Arya finds a passage out of the castle and then must confront and threaten the castle guards in order to get back in. Her father is angry, as he has had people looking for her. She tries to tell him about the conspirators she overheard, but cannot identify them and has forgotten most of the details, other than "the wolf and the lion" (the Starks and Lannisters) fighting each other. Eddard introduces her as his daughter to Yoren, a recruiter for the Night's Watch. Disheveled and unclean, Arya is at first mistaken by him as a boy, to her annoyance. Arya is distracted from her training exercises by news of Jory's death and her father's injury while fighting Jaime. Syrio teaches her how to ignore her troubles to focus on fighting. Later, Eddard brings his daughters together to tell them he is sending them back to Winterfell. Sansa and Arya are both upset. Arya does not want to leave Syrio's training. Sansa is incensed, feeling that losing a dancing instructor is nothing compared to breaking her betrothal to Joffrey. Eddard says not to worry, he will choose another man for her to marry, one strong and gentle and brave. Sansa says she doesn't want someone like that; she wants Joffrey (to Arya's amusement). She wants to have his blonde babies, like Joffrey her "golden-haired lion." After the interjection "Seven hells", Arya asserts that he will be a stag like his father. Sansa replies that Joffrey is nothing like Robert. This prompts Eddard's sudden realization that Joffrey is not Robert's son and thus not the heir to the throne. Eddard confronts Cersei, who admits that her children were fathered by her brother Jaime. However, before Eddard can inform Robert, the King is mortally wounded by a boar while hunting and dies shortly afterwards. Cersei and Joffrey have Eddard arrested and send guards to take Arya into custody while she is training with Syrio. He realizes that Eddard would not send Lannister men for his daughter, and instructs Arya to flee while he faces down the guards himself. Armed only with a wooden sword, he disarms several of them and holds off one of the Kingsguard, Ser Meryn Trant. Syrio's fate after that is unknown. Arya goes first to the stable, where the men who were to take her and Sansa out of King's Landing were waiting with the baggage. The men have been killed, but she finds her sword, Needle, where she hid it in the bottom of her luggage. She is discovered by a stableboy who tries to stop her. As he comes at her, she raises her sword, and he is impaled and dies. Horrified, Arya runs away to find her way out of the castle. As a result of subsequent events, war breaks out between the forces of House Lannister and the forces loyal to House Stark, now under the leadership of Robb. Arya lives on the streets of King's Landing, catching wild birds to feed herself. While trying to bargain for something to eat at a baker's stand, Arya notices crowds of people running to the city's center. She discovers that they are assembling to witness the trial of the Hand of the King. Dropping the pigeon she holds, Arya runs to the crowded square, and, to get a better view and see her father, she climbs on the pedestal of a statue of former Targaryen king Baelor (for whom the Sept is named). Eddard is brought out and pulled through the crowd. He spots Arya, and then, as he is taken past Yoren, the Night's Watch recruiter, he manages to signal in Arya's direction saying "Baelor", hoping that Yoren can find Arya and take her to safety. As previously agreed with Joffrey and Cersei, Eddard confesses to treason, but instead of granting mercy, Joffrey reneges and orders his execution. Arya dashes forward, drawing her sword in an attempt to save her father. Yoren manages to grab her. Holding Arya against his chest, he tells her not to look. Before he is executed, Eddard looks to the statue of Baelor and sees that Arya is gone. Arya looks up at the sky. Upon seeing the frightened birds taking flight from the cheer of the crowd, Arya knows that her father is dead. Yoren cuts her hair to make her look more like a boy and vows to get her to the Wall to reunite with Jon. She will pose as a fresh recruit for the Night's Watch. He tells her not to trust the others, as they could turn her in for a reward or possibly rape her, or both. When Arya joins the group, she is bullied by two boys, Hot Pie and Lommy Greenhands, but she defends herself and scares them off with Needle. Gendry, another recruit, also steps up to defend her. The entire group departs King's Landing, facing a journey of hundreds of miles through a war zone in order to get to the Wall.

    Game of Thrones: Season 2

    Arya travels north on the Kingsroad with Yoren, posing as one of his Night's Watch recruits. She is drawn to one of the prisoners in the wagon, Jaqen H'ghar. Since he is a murderer from the black cells of the dungeons, where the worst criminals are kept in King's Landing, he will stay locked up in the cage until they reach the Wall. He asks for water, but the other two murderers, Rorge and Biter, threaten her, so she does not get it for him. She forms a bond with former blacksmith's apprentice Gendry who sees through her disguise. When Gold Cloaks arrive from King's Landing with a warrant for one of the recruits, Arya fears that they are looking for her, but it is actually Gendry (who is unaware of his status as a royal bastard of Robert Baratheon). Yoren intimidates them into leaving empty-handed. Arya confesses her identity to Gendry after he reveals being questioned by her father before leaving the capital. Arya asks for Yoren's advice on living with the tragedies she has suffered, and he tells her the story of how thoughts of revenge resulted in his committing murder and having to join the Night's Watch. He became obsessed with Willem, the man who killed his brother, and recited his name over and over at night before he slept. Then when Willem returned to Yoren's village, Yoren killed him and had to flee his village. Losing his life and future, he had to take the black. Arya doesn't understand the point of the story: Yoren was trying to tell her not to be obsessed by thoughts of revenge as it will consume her, but Arya heard that she should chant the names of her enemies each night before she slept, almost like a prayer, until the day she can get revenge. The Gold Cloaks return, having enlisted the support of Ser Amory Lorch and Lannister men. Yoren dies heroically defending Gendry, but the recruits are overcome by the group. During the skirmish, a fire starts near the cage where Jaqen and his companions are being held. Arya saves them by risking the flames to give them an ax to help them get out. Polliver steals Needle from Arya. Arya convinces Ser Amory that he has killed Gendry because another recruit died while he was carrying Gendry's bull's head helm. Ser Amory takes his captives to Harrenhal. Each day one of the prisoners is chosen by Ser Gregor Clegane to be systematically and brutally tortured by the Tickler. Arya begins a nightly recitation of the names of her enemies, adding the Mountain and Polliver to her list. Lord Tywin Lannister returns to the castle and halts the ordeal, shortly before Gendry is going to be killed. He criticizes Gregor for wasting manpower. He immediately realizes that Arya is a girl posing as a boy. She claims that it made it safer to travel. Tywin commends her intelligence and makes her his cupbearer. Tywin hosts a war council, and Arya serves food and drink. She moves to pour wine, but Tywin stops her, demanding water. He questions her origin, realizing that she is a northerner. He rejects Arya's first lie that she is from the Riverlands, but her second lie withstands his scrutiny. Upon being questioned about the northerners' opinions of her brother, Robb Stark, she repeats rumors that he has a supernatural link to his direwolf and that he is invulnerable. Tywin asks if she believes this and she replies, "No, My Lord, anyone can be killed." She leaves to fetch water and encounters Jaqen, now a Lannister man-at-arms. Jaqen says that because she saved his life, and those of his two fellow prisoners, he owes her three deaths and offers to kill three people of her choosing. She first targets the Tickler. He is soon found dead in the courtyard. Arya notices Jaqen on the walkway above and he smiles and holds a single finger to his face to signify his responsibility. Arya is afraid of being recognized when Petyr Baelish visits Lord Tywin, but he says nothing. Tywin catches her reading a letter detailing his troop movements and questions where she learned to read. She distracts him by asking about his own childhood and steals the letter. She is caught carrying it by Ser Amory. She manages to escape him and names him as her next victim to Jaqen. Jaqen kills him before he is able to expose the theft. Tywin believes that he was the intended victim and begins a brutal investigation, ordering the deaths of dozens of his own men. He tasks Ser Gregor with rooting out the Brotherhood Without Banners, believing that they are responsible for the assassination. Tywin talks to Arya about the importance of legacy and the destruction of Harrenhal in Aegon's Conquest. His suspicions are heightened by her own knowledge of history. Tywin decides to leave Harrenhal to drive Robb's armies from the Westerlands. He names Gregor castellan and leaves Arya to serve him. Arya seeks out Jaqen, intending to name Tywin as her last target to protect Robb, but is unable to find him in time. When he returns from patrol she asks him to help her escape and he refuses, saying that it was not part of their arrangement. She gives Jaqen his own name in response, refusing to take it back unless he helps her. Jaqen kills several guards that night, allowing Arya to walk out of the castle with Gendry and Hot Pie. As the trio begin their trek into the Riverlands, they are surprised by Jaqen, who seems to appear from nowhere. Arya approaches him alone and asks how he killed those men, expressing her desire to learn his assassination skills. He offers to take Arya to Braavos (home city of her "dancing" instructor Syrio Forel) to train with the Faceless Men. She declines, telling him that she needs to find her family first, including Sansa. Jaqen gives Arya a single coin, explaining that should she change her mind, she only needs to give the coin to any man from Braavos and recite the High Valyrian words "Valar Morghulis." Jaqen changes his face to that of another man and bids a stunned Arya farewell.

    •{Cersei Lannister} - For her role in the execution of her father and the death of Lady. Crushed by debris during the Battle of King's Landing.

    •{The Mountain} - For leading the brutal torture at Harrenhal. Revived by Qyburn from his presumed death at the hands of Oberyn Martell. Killed by his brother, Sandor Clegane, during the Battle of King's Landing.

    •{Walder Frey} - For his role in the killing of her brother and mother. Killed by Arya after she gained entry to his castle using a Faceless Men shapeshifter mask. Arya first killed Lord Walder's sons Lame Lothar and Black Walder Rivers (who each respectively killed her pregnant sister-in-law and mother during the Red Wedding), then fed their flesh to the unwitting Lord Walder baked into a pie.

    •{Polliver} - For killing her friend Lommy, stealing her sword Needle, and taking part in the brutal torture at Harrenhal. Stabbed though the neck with Needle by Arya while repeating the same words Polliver said to Lommy when he killed him.

    •{Joffrey Baratheon} - For ordering the execution of her father. Assassinated at his own wedding by Olenna Tyrell.

    •{Rorge} - For threatening to rape her. Stabbed in the heart with Needle by Arya just after adding him to the list.

    "Arya, just as wild as ever."

    ―Littlefinger refering about Arya to Lady Catelyn Stark

    Arya is a fiercely independent woman who is unconstrained by social expectations like gender roles, courtly virtues, class distinctions, and the expectations of her parents and siblings. A tomboy, she never aspired to be a "proper lady" as her older sister Sansa did. Before the series of events that shatter her innocence and destroy her support system, Arya is full of life, and she makes others smile just by virtue of her spirited indifference to rules. Arya prefers to choose and forge her own destiny rather than wed to a man and form a family, despite this, Arya dislikes being called as "a boy" and responds back correcting them saying that she is "a girl", but she also doesn't see herself as a Lady.

    Once she begins the journey to King's Landing, however, she endures a constant stream of loss and trauma. As she watches her pet, sword instructor, friends, and family members taken from her one by one, she becomes increasingly detached towards murder and death. This is only exacerbated when she is captured by the Hound and is exposed to his fatalistic worldview as they traverse the war-ravaged Riverlands, though the two develop a mutual reliance and almost grudging respect for each other. When she witnesses and learns of the betrayal and murder of her family at the Red Wedding, she becomes colder and her urge to seek revenge on those who have wronged her and her family increases.

    While she is initially horrified when she accidentally stabs the stableboy in King's Landing during the betrayal of her father and his men, by the time she and the Hound have fled the massacre at the Twins, she is able to kill without remorse and has accepted Syrio's belief that the only true god is Death. Following Yoren's advice to her before he died, she has taken to listing off the names of each person she intends to kill each night before she sleeps.

    Arya can be a rather cold-blooded and slightly sadistic person at times, especially while confronting and killing those who are on her death list. Though she was initially apathetic but satisfied with killing Meryn Trant and Polliver, she did not attempt to hide her glee over slitting Walder Frey's throat, or the pleasure of seeing his family dying from poisoned wine she gave them. While she certainly possesses compassion and kindness, her time with The Hound and the Faceless Men have taught her to be ruthless to those who have wronged her and her family and has shown to be willing to use psychological mind games to worsen her enemies fate before killing them. This is shown when she repeated every word Polliver said to Lommy before killing him in the same exact way with Needle; gouged the eyes of Ser Meryn before stabbing him repeatedly and butchering Lord Walder's sons before serving their corpses to their father inside of a pie.

    Spoken by Arya

    Jon Snow: "All the best swords have names, you know." Arya Stark: "Sansa can keep her sewing needles. I've got a needle of my own." — Arya names her new sword "Needle." Eddard Stark: "A little Lady shouldn't play with swords." Arya Stark: "I wasn't playing. And I don't want to be a Lady." — Arya and Eddard. Arya Stark: "Can we take Syrio back with us?" Sansa Stark: "Who cares about your stupid dancing teacher? I can't go. I'm supposed to marry Prince Joffrey. I love him and I'm meant to be his queen and have his babies." Arya Stark: "Seven hells." — Arya and Sansa. Syrio Forel: "What do we say to the god of death?" Arya Stark: ""Not today."" Syrio Forel: "Go." — Arya's last exchange with her dancing master, Syrio Forel, before he is presumably killed by Meryn Trant. "You want it? I'll give it to you. I've already killed one fat boy. I bet you're a liar, but I'm not. I'm good at killing fat boys. I like killing fat boys." ―Arya threatening Hot Pie with Needle. Gendry: "I should be calling you "milady."" Arya Stark: "Do not call me "milady."" Gendry: "As milady commands! [Arya shoves him] Well, that was un-ladylike." — Exchange between Arya and Gendry. "Anyone can be killed." ―Arya to Tywin Lannister. "Ilyn Payne... Ser Meryn... The Hound." ―Arya's death prayer. Arya Stark: "You're a witch! You're going to hurt him!" Melisandre: "I see a darkness in you. And in that darkness, eyes staring back at me. Brown eyes, blue eyes, green eyes. Eyes you'll shut forever. We will meet again." — Arya and Melisandre. "Someday, I'm going to put a sword through your eye and out the back of your skull." ―Arya threatens Sandor Clegane. Dying man: "Maybe nothing is worse than this." Arya: "Nothing isn't better or worse than anything. Nothing is just nothing." — Arya and a dying man. "You know who I am? I’m Arya Stark. Do you know who you are? You're no one. You're nothing." ―Arya to Meryn Trant before killing him. Jaqen H'ghar: "Finally a girl is No One." Arya Stark: "A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell. And I'm going home." — Arya Stark reclaims her identity. "My name is Arya Stark. I want you to know that. The last thing you're ever going to see is a Stark smiling down at you as you die." ―Arya to Walder Frey before killing him. "Brave men, all of you. Butchered a woman pregnant with her baby. Cut the throat of a mother of five. Slaughtered your guests after inviting them into your home. didn't slaughter every one of the Starks. No, no...that was your mistake. You should have ripped them all out root and stem. Leave one wolf alive...and the sheep are never safe." ―Arya, disguised as Walder Frey, poisons his heirs. "When people ask you what happened here, tell them the North remembers. Tell them winter came for House Frey." ―Arya to Kitty Frey after unmasking herself. Sansa Stark: "You're angry. Sometimes anger makes people do unfortunate things." Arya Stark: "Sometimes fear makes people do unfortunate things. I'll take anger." — Arya spars with Sansa.

    Spoken about Arya

    "A boy has more courage than sense." ―Jaqen H'ghar to Arya. "Filthy little bitch! I'll gut you, you little cunt!" ―Joffrey Baratheon threatens Arya. "She's as wild as that animal of hers." ―Cersei Lannister insulting Arya. Sandor Clegane: "Who's protecting her if you're here?" Brienne Tarth: "The only one who needs protecting is the one that gets in her way." — Sandor Clegane and Brienne of Tarth talk about Arya. Sansa Stark: "Do you know what she is now? Do you know what the Faceless Men are?" Petyr Baelish: "Only by reputation. They worship the God of Death, I believe. I never trust godly men." Sansa Stark: "They're killers. And Arya was one of them." — Exchange between Sansa and Petyr Baelish of what Arya had become.

    In the novels, Arya is left-handed. Maisie Williams is right-handed, but plays Arya as left-handed to be true to the books, including learning how to fight with a sword in her left hand. Maisie's mother discovered that Arya is left-handed while reading the books, and urged her to play Arya left-handed, for fear that if she didn't, hardcore fans of the books would be outraged and instantly reject her performance.

    When Arya goes blind in the Season 5 finale, continuing into Season 6, the clouded look in her eyes is not a CGI effect at all: Maisie Williams actually wore large, 16 millimeter-wide contact lenses, hand-painted so they were murky. They did not simply give her eyes the appearance of being blind, but cannot be seen through. Thus when Arya is wildly turning around unable to see her surroundings, Williams truly couldn't see anything, and thus gave a genuine performance of being blinded.

    Williams stated in an April 2016 interview that she was not given a choice between using a CGI effect or the blinding-contacts: the production team told her to use the blinding-contacts from the start. She went on to explain that the true blindness contacts were only used in closeups or when she was standing still (such as the Season 5 finale). Otherwise, when she had to stumble around while "blind" in Season 6, she switched to contacts which had tiny pinprick holes in the center so she could still see, so she wouldn't harm herself or others (some of her scenes involved fighting with a stick while "blind"). The times when she is moving around and wearing the alternate contacts she can actually see through were then simply filmed in wide-shots so the camera wouldn't pick up the difference - but then she would switch back to the full-blindness contact lenses again for closeups and dialogue-heavy shots without much motion in them.

    Kristina Baskett was a stunt double for Maisie Williams in the role of Arya Stark.

    In the A Song of Ice and Fire novels, Arya is portrayed in a much darker manner than in the show. As her plotline progresses, she gradually loses her humanity, to the point that she murders people without any provocation.

    Arya is nine years old when King Robert arrives at Winterfell. She is a tomboy who wants to learn how to fight with a sword and ride horses, to the horror of her more demure older sister, Sansa, with whom she has a quarrelsome relationship. She is encouraged by her half-brother Jon, to whom she is close. Sansa and Arya are so unalike that Sansa once asked their mother if her real sister was stolen by a grumkin and Arya was left in her place. Arya is the only one of the Starks' trueborn children who resembles their father in appearance. Jon also inherited the Stark look, like Arya and their father, which once caused Arya to wonder whether she was also a bastard, but Jon assured her that she is trueborn. Arya has Eddard's long and solemn face, her hair is lusterless brown, which results in her being called Arya Horseface by her sister and her sister's friends. She is also known as Arya Underfoot by the Winterfell staff, as she is always curious and always where she isn't supposed to be. In the TV series, she is a good shot with a bow. In the novels, she does not know how to use a bow and isn't strong enough to even pull back the string, but wishes she could. She does, however, skilled in household management and horseback riding (in contrast to Sansa).

    According to Catelyn, Ned's visitors would often mistake Arya for a stableboy if they rode into the yard unannounced. Arya was a trial, half a boy and half a wolf pup. She collected scabs as other girls collect dolls, and would say anything that came into her head. If someone forbade her anything, it became her heart's desire. Her hair always looked as though a bird has been nesting in it. Catelyn despaired of ever making a lady of her.

    Yoren does not tell Arya the story about Willem and how he came to be part of the Night's Watch. Reciting the names of her enemies is something that she starts doing on her own. Yoren does tell her that her father was not supposed to die that day. The reason Yoren was in the Sept of Baelor and not already on the road is because he was told by Varys, the same man that came bringing Gendry, that Lord Eddard was to be given mercy, allowed to take the black, and would be traveling back with him to the Wall. When he says something must have gone wrong, Arya replies, "Joffrey. Someone should kill him."

    During Season 2 of the TV series, she serves as Tywin's cupbearer. In the novels, she serves Roose Bolton, who captured Harrenhal from Amory Lorch after Tywin leaves with his army to defend the Westerlands. Thus, none of the scenes between Tywin and Arya happened in the books. She still flees from Harrenhal with Gendry and Hot Pie, but she does so without using Jaqen H'ghar's help; though in the novels she does use Jaqen's help to open Harrenhal to Roose Bolton and the Northmen.

    Arya's storyline at Harrenhal in Season 2 was heavily condensed from the books. After being captured by Ser Gregor Clegane's men, she is exposed to rape and murder on a regular basis. She is also abused and forced to work at Harrenhal, cleaning, serving men-at-arms at meals, and running errands for an under-steward name Weese, who beats her. When Jaqen H'ghar gives her the opportunity to kill three men, the first one she picks is a man-at-arms for Gregor Clegane named Chiswyck, because she overheard him telling a story, laughing about how he and Clegane's men had gang-raped an innkeeper's daughter. The second name she chooses is Weese. The TV series changed this so that instead, Arya chooses the Tickler and Amory Lorch, who are not killed by Jaqen in the book.

  3. › wiki › Arya_(actor)Arya (actor) - Wikipedia

    Jamshad Cethirakath (born 11 December 1980), known by his stage name Arya, is an Indian actor and film producer who predominantly appears in Tamil cinema and a few Malayalam and Telugu films. [1] Arya has won two Filmfare Awards South and two Tamil Nadu State Film Awards. [2]

  4. › wiki › AryanAryan - Wikipedia

    Aryan (/ ˈɛəriən /), or Arya in Proto-Indo-Iranian, [ 1 ] is a term originating from the ethno-cultural self-designation of the Indo-Iranians. It stood in contrast to nearby outsiders, whom they designated as non-Aryan (*an-āryā). [ 2 ][ 3 ] In ancient India, the term was used by the Indo-Aryan peoples of the Vedic period, both as an ...

  5. Arya Stark is the third child and second daughter of Lord Eddard Stark and Lady Catelyn Tully. A member of House Stark, she has five siblings: brothers Robb, Bran, Rickon, half-brother Jon Snow, and older sister Sansa. Arya is one of the major POV characters in A Song of Ice and Fire.

  6. Feb 27, 2024 · Arya Stark is a fictional character in Game Of Thrones, who starts as a headstrong child and transforms into a formidable assassin. Arya is the third child and second daughter of Lord Eddard...