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  1. The party experienced a split in 1921 caused by a decision made two years earlier to join the Comintern and the Social Democratic Labour Party of Norway was formed. In 1923, the party left the Comintern while a significant minority of its members left the party to form the Communist Party of Norway.

  2. The Norwegian Labour Party was founded in 1887. In gained its first parliamentary seats in 1903 and has been Norway`s largest political party since 1927. The party experienced a split in 1921 caused by a decision made two years earlier to join the Communist International.

  3. The Norwegian Labour Party (Det Norske Arbeiderparti; DNA), the ruling party from before World War II until the mid-1960s, advocates a moderate form of socialism. In its many years of governing Norway, however, it nationalized only a few large industrial companies.

  4. The oldest political party in Norway is the Liberal Party, which was formed in 1884. Shortly afterwards, the Conservative Party was formed in opposition. The main political cleavage at the time was the issue of parliamentarism, with Liberals in favor and Conservatives in opposition.

    Labour Party Arbeiderpartiet
    Centre Party Senterpartiet
    Progress Party Fremskrittspartiet
  5. The Norwegian Labour party (DNA) was founded on 21-22 August 1887 in Arendal.

  6. A radical wing of the Liberal Party stood for election in 1906 as the United Norwegian Workers’ Society. It changed its name to the Labour Democrats in 1911 and to the Radical People’s Party in 1921. The party won seats in the Storting in 1936 and subsequently joined the Liberal Party in 1940.

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  8. The party was founded in 1887 [14] in Arendal and first ran in elections to the Parliament of Norway in 1894. It entered Parliament in 1904 after the 1903 election, and steadily increased its vote until 1927, when it became the largest party. The party were members of Comintern, a Communist organisation, between 1918 and 1923. [15]