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  1. Sundara Kanda is the only chapter of the Ramayana in which the principal protagonist is not Rama, but Hanuman. The work depicts the adventures of Hanuman and his selflessness, strength, and devotion to Rama are emphasised in the text.

  2. › downloads › sundarakandaSUNDARAKANDA - Tirumala

    • About the Enclosed CD
    • 1. Prayer to Çré Ganeça
    • Aaéý kivta zaoa< vNde vaLmIik kaeikl< .
    • At&ÝSt< muin< vNde àacet smkLm;< .
    • VyaOyaNt< ÉrtaidiÉ> pirv&t< ram< Éje Zyaml< .
    • Sré Hanumat Prärthana
    • Importance of Sundarakāņda for Children
    • Ajaf=y< vaKpquTv< c hnumTSmr[aÑvet!.
    • Śrīmad Rāmāyaņa Story (in brief)
    • ÊgaRi[ Ait trTysaE
    • Chapter 1: Hanumān Crossing the Ocean
    • Chapter 2: Hanumān’s Strategy: How to Enter Lańkā
    • Chapter 3: Hanumān Defeats Lańkhiņi – Protector of Lańkā
    • Chapter 4: Hanumān Enters Lańkā City
    • Chapter 5: Description of Rāvaņa’s Palace
    • Chapter 6, 7: Hanumān’s Description of His Findings
    • Chapter 8: Description of the Pușpaka Vimāna, the Special Airplane
    • Chapter 9: Hanumān Searches Rāvaņa’s Inner Palace
    • Chapter 10: Hanumān Mistakes Mandodari for Sīta
    • Chapter 11: Hanumān Realizes His Mistake
    • Chapter 12: Hanumān Laments His Inability to Find Sīta Devī
    • Chapter 13: Hanumān’s Deep Despair and Search for Sīta Continues
    • Chapter 14: Hanumān Describes the Aśoka Gardens
    • Chapter 15: Hanumān Finds Sīta
    • Chapter 16: Hanumān confirms she is Sīta Devī without a Mistake
    • Chapter 17: The Demons Surrounding Sīta Devī in the Aśoka Garden
    • Chapter 18: Rāvaņa Comes To the Aśoka Garden
    • Chapter 19: Rāvaņa Approaches Sīta
    • Chapter 20: Rāvaņa Expresses His Love for Sīta
    • Chapter 21: Sīta Devī’s Courageous Reply to Rāvaņa
    • Chapter 22: Rāvaņa Threatens Sīta Devī
    • Chapters 23, 24: Demons Threaten Sīta Devī
    • Chapters 25, 26: Sīta’s Sorrow
    • Chapters 27, 28: Trijața’s Dream
    • Chapter 29: Sīta Devī’s Good Omen
    • Chapter 30: Hanumān Plans To Speak To Sīta Devī
    • Chapter 31: Hanumān Chants Śri Rāma’s Story
    • Chapter 32: Sīta Devī’s Confused State
    • Chapter 33: Sīta Devī Explains What Happened
    • Chapter 34: Hanumān Reassures Sīta Devī
    • Chapter 35: Hanumān Earns Sīta Devī’s Trust
    • Chapter 36: Hanumān Presents Śri Rāma’s Ring to Sīta Devī
    • Chapter 37: Hanumān Considers Taking Sīta Devī with Him
    • Chapter 38: Sīta Devī Gives Hanumān the Chūdamaņi
    • Chapter 39: Hanumān Prepares To Leave Sīta Devī
    • Chapter 40: Hanumān Leaves Sīta Devī
    • Chapter 41: Hanumān Spoils the Aśoka Gardens
    • Chapter 42: Rāvaņa Learns Of the Destroyed Aśoka Garden
    • Sundarakāņda Sargah 42 – 33, 34 & 35
    • Chapter 43: Hanumān Destroys the Caitya PrasĀda
    • Chapter 44: Hanumān Fights with Jambumālini
    • Chapter 45: Hanumān Fights With the Minister’s Seven Sons
    • Chapter 46: Hanumān Fights with Five Commanders
    • Chapter 47: Hanumān Kills Akșa Kumāra
    • Chapter 48: Hanumān Fights with Indrajit
    • Chapter 49: The Description of Rāvaņa’s Court
    • Chapter 50: Hanumān in Rāvaņa’s Royal Gathering
    • Chapter 51: Hanumān’s Speech in Rāvaņa’s Royal Court
    • Chapter 52: Vibhīșaņa’s Advice to Rāvaņa
    • Chapter 53: Demons Burn Hanumān’s Tail
    • Chapter 54: Hanumān Burns Lańkā
    • Chapter 56: Hanumān’s Return Journey
    • Chapter 57: Hanumān Returns to the Mahendra Mountain
    • Chapter 58: Hanumān Narrates His Journey
    • Chapter 59: Hanumān Is Still Excited
    • Chapter 60: Jāmbavān’s Advice
    • Chapter 61: Monkeys in Madhuvan
    • Chapter 62: Drunken Vānaras
    • Chapter 63: Rāma and Lakșmaņa Learn of Hanumān’s Return
    • Chapter 64: The Vānaras Return to Sugrīva
    • Chapter 65: Hanumān Tells Śri Rāma about Sīta Devī
    • Chapter 66: Rāma Receives the Chūdamaņi
    • Chapter 67: Hanumān Relates the Personal Story of Śri Rāma and Sīta Devī
    • Chapter 68: Hanumān Concludes the Task
    • The Coronation of Śri Rāma
    • Yuddhakandam Sargah 128 -102
    • Glossary

    Valmiki’s Ramayana, the first poem in Sanskrit beautifully describes the story of Sri Rama the encarnation of Sri Mahavishnu in six Kandas. Sundara Kanda the fifth chapter in the poem is really sundaram. It describes the most exemplary qualities of Hanuman engaged in search of Sita Devi taken away by Ravana to Lanka. Sundarakanda is believed as mos...

    This book is accompanied by a CD containing several important slokas and hymns including the Nāma Rāmāyaņa, Hanumān Cālīsā and Mangalam on Hanumān. Since this book is dedicated to children, the CD should enable them to learn and sing these beautiful hymns in praise of Hanumān and Śrī Rāma. Also enclosed is a CD Booklet containing the lyrics in Sans...

    zu¬a< iv:[u< zizv[m! ctuÉuRjm! àsÚvdn< Xyayet! svR iv1aepzNtye çuklämbaradharaà viñëuà çaçivarëaà caturbhujam prasannavadanaà dhyäyet sarva vighnopaçantaye When you think of the Lord who is pure and vast as the universe with the moon’s beaming light, all obstacles will disappear and life will be peaceful. guéXyan< Gurudhyänaà 2. Prayer to Our ...

    küjantaà räma rämeti madhuram madhuräkñaraà äruhya kavitä çäkhäà vande välméki kokilaà While sitting in the branches of a poetic tree, Sage Vālmīki sings the sweet melodious songs about Śrī Rāma like the Kokila (singing) bird. The Rāmāyaņa is the epic poem about Śrī Rāma. I bow down to the great Sage Vālmīki. y> ipbn! stt< ram cirtam&t sagr< ,

    yaù piban satataà räma caritämruta sägaraà atruptastaà munià vande präceta samakalmañaà Sage Vālmīki who roamed freely in the sacred forest of pure knowledge, carried with him the auspicious characteristics of Śīta and Rāma. I bow down to Sage Vālmīki and Hanumān who possess pure knowledge. sItaram gu[¢am pu{yar{yay ivhair[aE , vNde ivzuÏ iv}anaE...

    vaidehé sahitaà suradrumatale haime mahämanòape madhye puñpakamäsane maëimaye véräsane susthitaà agreväcayati prabhanjana sute tattvaà munibhyaù paraà vyäkhyäntaà bharatädibhiù parivrutaà rämaà bhaje çyämalaà I sing the glories of Śri Rāma, the dark-bodied Lord, who is sitting on a gem studded puśpakavimāna in a golden mandapa with Sīta Devī by his...

    5. Prayer to Śri Hanumān Atuiltblxam< Sv[RzElaÉdeh< dnujvnk&zanu< }ainnam¢g{y< sklgu[inxan< vanra[amxIz< r"upitvrËt< vatjat< nmaim . atulitabaladhämaà svarëaçailäbhadehaà danujavanakruçänuà jnäninämagragaëyaà sakalaguëanidhänaà vänaräëämadhéçaà raghupativaradütaà vätajätaà namämi I bow down to Hanumān, the son of Vāyu, who is of immense strength, ...

    This is a wonderful story for children to learn as it helps build confidence. It also fosters courage, fearlessness, logic, strategic thinking, diplomacy and other such qualities required for achieving success. Many parents often mistakenly teach their children that Hanumān is a monkey God. Rather, we can think of Hanumān as guiding our monkey bra...

    buddhirbalaà yaço dhairyaà nirbhayatvam arogatä ajäòa'yaà väkpaöutvaà ca hanumatsmaraëädbhavet Wisdom, strength, fame, valor, fearlessness, health, determination, gift of the speech – in short, all that one can wish for can be achieved by anyone meditating on Hanumān.

    There was once a virtuous king called Daśaratha Mahārāja who ruled the kingdom of Kosala. Its capital was Ayodhya. He had three wives, Kausalya, Kaikeyi and Sumitra, but was not blessed with children. On the advice of the royal priest Sage Vaśișțha, King Daśaratha performed the homa-pooja called Putrakāmeșți which expressed a sincere desire to bege...

    çruëoti yaù idaà kävyaà purä välmékinä krutaà çradhdhadäno jitakrodho durgäëi ati taratyasau One who listens to this epic poem, which was written by sage Vālmīki, a long time ago with a focused mind, and one who is never angry, shall overcome all obstacles .

    Thoughtful Jāmbavān enthusiastically encouraged and motivated Hanumān to realize his latent energy and strength to fulfill the task of crossing the ocean. Māruti (another name for Hanumān (the one moving at the speed of wind) started looking for the path by which divine angels travel in the sky. Hanumān alone had the impossible mission of crossin...

    Hanumān crossed the ocean that no one else could cross. He saw Lańkā city situated on Trikūta Mountain. He settled down for a while since he had completed one step of his mission, reaching Lańkā. Hanumān didn’t feel any fatigue from the journey. He roamed around the Lambā island mountain. He could smell the sweet fragrances of flowers and gaze...

    The humble, intelligent, wind God’s son, Hanumān jumped from Lambā Mountain to Rāvaņa’s city. He moved towards the entrance gate. The mansions in the city were shining brightly like spring clouds. The city was happy. Sounds of the people could be heard like the roar of the sea. Wild elephants were kept at the main entrance of the fort. The ho...

    Hanumān perched on the wall of the fort and jumped into Lańkā city. He did not enter through the main gate. The main gate entrance was called Rājadvāram, the royal entrance. So he jumped from a sidewall. He put his left foot down first as a symbolic gesture of destruction. The courageous Hanumān roamed in the streets. There was dancing, music a...

    The moonlight shone on the inner quarters of the palace in many ways. Once inside, Hanumān began his search for Sīta Devī. He saw some people drinking, some singing, and some fighting for sport. Among those inside Rāvaņa’s quarters were blissfully happy youth, those having sweet conversation, great men, famous men, those involved in intelligent c...

    As Hanumān entered Rāvaņa’s inner palace, he observed many things. He saw some of the most beautiful ladies there. The beautiful palace befitted Rāvaņa. While searching for Sīta Devī, Hanumān noticed the grandeur of the palace, the exquisite display of riches, and the wonders of the buildings. The palace floors were made of marble and had wonder...

    In the great hangar of air vehicles, Hanumān saw situated in mid-air, a special air vehicle called Pușpaka Vimāna (plane). Viśvakarma himself had designed this air vehicle. It was the best of all his creations. Viśvakarma took great care to create this vehicle. It was studded with many precious gems. Surprisingly, even temples did not have suc...

    The best part of Lańkā was Rāvaņa’s inner palace. There were many sections within the inner city. Hanumān started searching all the buildings in the inner palace. He found the best building which was Rāvaņa’s living quarters. The king’s palace building was protected by many demons. Even though it was crowded with many elephants and protectors ...

    Suddenly Hanumān spotted the world’s most beautiful special bed with precious stones and expensive leather bedding. Rāvaņa lay on this bed displaying his body’s war wounds and his many ornaments. Several wives shared his bed. Nearby, in a special place, he saw the most beautiful lady. She was Mandodari, Rāvaņa’s favorite and loving queen. Her...

    Hanumān reasoned with himself, “How could Sīta Māta sleep without Śri Rāma? She would not be able to sleep, eat or wear beautiful ornaments. The great pious lady Sīta Māta would not accept anybody other than Śri Rāma. So the lady sleeping must be someone else.” With this reasoning, Ānjaneya (Hanumān) started looking for Sīta Devī again. Hanumā...

    Hanumān continued carefully looking for Sīta Devī in the portrait houses, gardens, and all the dark rooms along the way. He could not find Sīta Devī anywhere. He lamented that he could not find Sīta Devī. He thought, “Dreadful Rāvaņa must have killed Sīta Māta or Sīta Māta must have committed suicide in desperation after being tortured by these...

    Hanumān could not find Sīta Devī in Rāvaņa’s palace even in his second attempt. He started contemplating what could have happened to Sīta Devī, “I have searched everywhere in Lańkā for Sīta Māta. I searched the riverbanks, the ponds, the waterfalls, the palaces, and the forts. The king of birds Sampaathi said Sīta Māta was in Rāvaņa’s palace but...

    After contemplating and lamenting, Hanumān entered the Aśoka garden. The garden was filled with flowering trees, fruit trees, delicate rare plants, rare flowers, and beautiful, very fragrant flowers. The birds in the garden were chirping. There were small ponds and large ponds. There were pathways filled with fallen flowers, new sprouts and tend...

    Hanumān hid in the branches of the Śimśupa tree and eagerly waited for Sīta Devī. The Aśokavana had huge trees. It had a wonderful morning glory with a fine fragrance. There were animals all around that slept through the night. Many varieties of birds lived in the garden. There were myriads of fountains and small houses for relaxation. There w...

    Hanumān felt bad at the sad state of Sīta Devī and his eyes filled with tears. Hanumān thought, “Lakșmaņa bows down to her. Śri Rāma always loves her. That blessed Sīta Devī should not be so sad”. But no one can escape the hands of fate. Hanumān looked at Sīta Devī and thought of Śri Rāma. He thought, Śri Rāma and Sīta Māta are such an honest an...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

    god of fire female demon it is said to be the city Kubera ruled and lived in ever flourishing divine city which belongs to Indra one of the daughters of Kardama and Devahūti. She was the wife of Vaśișțha. She is near the Saptaŗșimaņòala, the great constellation of stars the exquisite gardens in Lańkā, in the kingdom of Rāvaņa the grandson of Prahlā...

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  3. Sundar Kanda is the fifth book of this epic and is dedicated to the heroic exploits of Shri Hanuman. This chapter is particularly significant because it details Hanuman's journey to find Mata Sita, the wife of Shri Rama, who was kidnapped by the demon king Ravana.

  4. Feb 24, 2018 · Sunderkand is a chapter from the Ramcharitmanas which is written by the revered poet Goswami Tulsidas. It is one of the seven kands (sections) of what constitutes the epic Ramayana and it is believed that reciting Sunderkand on a regular basis can help ward off evils, remove obstacles in path and bestows one with happiness and prosperity.

  5. Sep 12, 2019 · It tells the story of Ram, an incarnation of the Hindu preserver-god Vishnu. Thematically, the epic explores the tenets of human existence and the concept of dharma. It is one of the two great epics of India, the other being the Mahabharata.

  6. This post has details about Sundar Kand’s story and describes the benefits of reading Sundar Kand Path. The original Sundara Kanda is in Sanskrit and forms a part of the epic Ramayan composed by Valmiki.

  7. Sundara Kanda – Valmiki Ramayana Story. Sundara Kanda / Sundara Kandam depicts the adventures of Hanuman. Hanuman was lovingly called Sundara by his mother Anjani and this kand deals primarily with Hanuman’s journey to Lanka and his selflessness, strength, and devotion to Rama.