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  1. Maxwell went on to discover that colour photographs could be formed using red, green, and blue filters. In 1861, Maxwell presented the world's first colour photograph – of a tartan ribbon. Three photos were taken, each time with a different colour filter over the lens.

    • Reading List

      'The life of James Clerk Maxwell with a selection from his...

    • Useful Links

      Lots of useful links, including Maxwell's published...

    • Places to Visit

      Did you know? James Clerk Maxwell was known as 'Dafty' at...

    • Obituary

      JAMES CLERK-MAXWELL. By Professor Tait. [JAMES...

    • John Logie Baird

      John Logie Baird (1888-1946). Famous for: Inventing the...

    • Alexander Graham Bell

      James Clerk Maxwell; Joseph Black; John Napier; Alexander...

    • John Napier

      He spent a short time at St Andrews University. Around 1564,...

    • James Hutton

      James Hutton was born in Edinburgh in 1726. He went on to...

  2. James Clerk Maxwell (1831-79) was Professor of Natural Philosophy at King’s in the 1860s when he brought magnetism, electricity and light together in a unique and elegant system of equations. Growing up in Scotland, James was an inquisitive child.

  3. Although Shakespeare likely had some lessons in English, Latin composition and the study of Latin authors like Seneca, Cicero, Ovid, Virgil, and Horace would have been the focus of his literary training.

  4. Some lectures and notes were kept, as well as correspondence, as a sample of Maxwell's work in teaching and research. Soon after Maxwell's death the question was raised whether it might be possible to publish some of his unpublished work, however this never came to fruition: Lonsdale himself did not feel Maxwell would have wanted this to happen.

  5. James Clerk Maxwell was one of the most influential scientists of the nineteenth century. His theoretical work on electromagnetism and light largely determined the direction that physics would take in the early 20th century.

  6. American novelist, short-story writer, and editor. Examine the life, times, and work of William Maxwell through detailed author biographies on eNotes.

  7. People also ask

  8. Sometime between 1585 and 1592, he began a successful career in London as an actor, writer, and part-owner ("sharer") of a playing company called the Lord Chamberlain's Men, later known as the King's Men after the ascension of King James VI of Scotland to the English throne.