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  1. The prisoner's dilemma is a game theory thought experiment that involves two rational agents, each of whom can cooperate for mutual benefit or betray their partner ("defect") for individual reward. This dilemma was originally framed by Merrill Flood and Melvin Dresher in 1950 while they worked at the RAND Corporation. [1] .

  2. an interactive guide to the game theory of why & how we trust each other.

  3. May 10, 2024 · Game theory - Prisoners' Dilemma, Strategy, Economics: To illustrate the kinds of difficulties that arise in two-person noncooperative variable-sum games, consider the celebrated prisoner’s dilemma (PD), originally formulated by the American mathematician Albert W. Tucker.

  4. Jun 16, 2024 · A prisoner's dilemma is a situation where individual decision-makers always have an incentive to choose in a way that creates a less than optimal outcome for the individuals as a group. The...

  5. Jun 22, 2024 · prisoner’s dilemma, imaginary situation employed in game theory. One version is as follows. Two prisoners are accused of a crime. If one confesses and the other does not, the one who confesses will be released immediately and the other will spend 20 years in prison.

  6. Multiplayer iterated prisoner's dilemma Simulates the evolution of cooperation or defection among several common strategies based on initial populations. Uri Wilensky

  7. Sep 4, 1997 · In the fomer, the prisoner's dilemma game is played repeatedly, opening the possibility that a player can use its current move to reward or punish the other's play in previous moves in order to induce cooperative play in the future.