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  1. A menu-driven program is a type of software application that presents users with a menu of options or choices, allowing them to select the desired action from a list. The user interacts with the program by selecting a menu option, and the program then executes the corresponding functionality.

  2. Mar 1, 2024 · Menu-driven programs in programming work similarly. They offer users a menu of choices to select from, making it easy to interact with the program. In this article, we will start from the basics of creating menu-driven programs, suitable for beginners and experienced programmers alike.

  3. How To Write Menu Driven Program In Java. Menu driven program using java language is generally written with the help of switch statement. So let’s implement it practically. Menu Driven Program in Java for Calculator. In this example, we will create a simple menu-driven program for calculation purposes of 4 essential math operations Addition ...

  4. Implementing Data Structure in python language which is short, flexible, and easy to understand. This is a menu-driven program.

  5. Jun 2, 2021 · Write a menu-driven program to perform below various basic operations in the array: Print all the even values in the array. Print all the odd values in the array. Sum & average of elements in the array. Find the maximum and minimum element in the array. Remove duplicates from the array. Approach:

  6. People also ask

    • Overview
    • Table of Contents
    • Features
    • Requirements
    • Usage
    • Examples
    • Contributing
    • License

    This repository contains a collection of menu-driven C programs that allow users to perform various operations. Each program displays a menu with different options, and the user can select an option to perform a specific operation.

    •Each program offers a menu with multiple options.

    •Users can select an option to perform a specific operation, such as arithmetic calculations, file operations, data manipulations, etc.

    •Programs validate user input and handle errors gracefully.

    •Programs provide clear instructions and output to guide the user.

    •C compiler: The programs are written in C, so you need a C compiler to compile and run the programs. You can use popular C compilers like GCC or Clang.

    1.Clone the repository or download the source code files for the desired program.

    2.Compile the program using a C compiler. For example, if you are using GCC, run the following command:

    Replace program_name with the actual name of the program file.

    1.Run the compiled program:

    Replace program_name with the actual name of the program file.

    1.The program will display a menu with options. Enter the number corresponding to the desired operation and follow the prompts to enter the required input.

    Here are a few examples demonstrating the usage of the programs:

    1.Arithmetic Operations: (codes/calc.c)

    2.File Operations: (codes/fileop.c)

    3.Data Manipulations: (codes/manipulation.c)

    Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or want to add new features or programs, feel free to submit a pull request.

    This project is licensed under the MIT License.