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  1. Strong Number in Python. In this tutorial, we will learn a Python program to find a given number is a Strong number or not. What is a strong number? A Strong number is a special number whose sum of the all digit factorial should be equal to the number itself. To find a whether given number is strong or not.

  2. Dec 18, 2023 · Given a number N, print all the Strong Numbers less than or equal to N. Strong number is a special number whose sum of the factorial of digits is equal to the original number. For Example: 145 is strong number.

  3. Oct 16, 2022 · Strong number is a special number whose sum of the factorial of digits is equal to the original number. For Example: 145 is strong number. Since, 1! + 4! + 5! = 145. Examples: Input: N = 100. Output: 1 2. Explanation: Only 1 and 2 are the strong numbers from 1 to 100 because. 1! = 1, and. 2! = 2. Input: N = 1000. Output: 1 2 145. Explanation:

  4. Problem Solution. 1. Take in an integer and store it in a variable. 2. Using two while loops, find the factorial of each of the digits in the number. 3. Then sum up all the factorials of the digits. 4. Check if the sum of the factorials of the digits is equal to the number.

  5. Python Program to find Strong Number using While Loop. This program for a strong number allows the user to enter any positive integer. Next, this Python program checks whether the given number is a Strong Number or Not using the While Loop. Number = int(input(" Please Enter any Number: ")) Sum = 0. Temp = Number. while(Temp > 0): Factorial = 1.

  6. Apr 17, 2023 · Given a list, write a Python program to find all the Strong numbers in a given list of numbers. A Strong Number is a number that is equal to the sum of factorial of its digits. Examples: Input : [1, 2, 5, 145, 654, 34] . Output : [1, 2, 145] Input : [15, 58, 75, 675, 145, 2] Output : [145, 2] Explanation :

  7. May 30, 2023 · Programs to Check if the Given Number is a Strong number in Python. There are several ways to determine whether a number is a strong number or not in Python. Let’s examine each one separately: Python Program to Check for Strong Number Using a While Loop

  8. Mar 6, 2024 · Method 1: Using Iteration. This method checks the strength of a number by iterating through each digit, computing its factorial, and summing them up to compare with the original number. It’s a straightforward brute-force approach. Here’s an example: def factorial(n): return 1 if n == 0 else n * factorial(n - 1) def is_strong_number(num):

  9. Jan 11, 2024 · Check if a number is a 'Strong Number' using this concise Python program. A Strong Number is a special type where the sum of the factorial of its digits equals the original number. Explore the fascinating world of number properties with this compact code snippet.

  10. Mar 7, 2024 · Leverage Python’s functional programming features like map() and sum() with lambda functions to create an ultra-compact one-liner that checks for a strong number. Here’s an example: is_strong_number = lambda num: num == sum((1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720, 5040, 40320, 362880)[int(digit)] for digit in str(num)) print(is_strong_number(145))

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