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  1. A review of environmental protection efforts worldwide during the 2000-2015 period, covering various issues such as climate change, forests, biodiversity, water and sanitation. The report also draws lessons for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs.

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  2. Mar 31, 2023 · In this article, we find that embracing the environmental sustainability approach for all countries is necessary to ensure holistic sustainable development.

    • A Framework for Advancing
    • © 2012 United Nations
    • Disclaimer
    • Annex A: 49
    • Annex B: 51
    • Annex C: 55
    • Annex F: 64
    • by the United Nations Secretary-General
    • by the Chair of the Environment Management Group
    • Achim Steiner
    • in the United Nations System
    • Progress Report
    • Towards a common environmental and social sustainability framework
    • 1.1 Key considerations for the development of a common framework
    • 1.2 Elements of a common framework
    • Vision
    • Rationale
    • Objective
    • Collective Actions
    • 1.3 Phased approach
    • 2.1 Examples of environmental and social risks and opportunities
    • 2.3 External developments and expectations of environmental and social sustainability
    • 3.1 Review methodology
    • 3.2 Application of environmental and social sustainability measures across the three entry points
    • Capacity-building:
    • Credibility:
    • Future considerations for a common environmental and social sustainability framework
    • 4.1 Roadmap for agency implementation
    • 4.2 Elements of costing for implementation
    • 4.3 Legal and managerial considerations
    • 4.4 Additional considerations
    • Minimum Requirements for a system-wide environmental and social sustainability framework
    • A.1 Entry point definitions and typical minimum procedures
    • A.2 Minimum requirements
    • Assessing environmental and social impacts.
    • A.3 Harmonizing individual United Nations entity practices with common minimum requirements
    • Cost of environmental management measures.
    • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
    • Global Environment Facility
    • International Fund for Agricultural Development
    • United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
    • United Nations Development Programme
    • United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
    • United Nations Environment Programme
    • UN-Habitat
    • United Nations Ofice for Project Services
    • UN-REDD Programme
    • United Nations World Food Programme
    • World Health Organization
    • Examples of the founding documents and principles of existing environmental and social sustainability systems
    • International Fund for Agricultural Development
    • MDG Carbon Facility
    • Earth Charter
    • Global Environment Facility
    • Co-chairs of the ESS process
    • Non-United Nations contributors
    • Membership of the Environment Management Group
    • GeneratedCaptionsTabForHeroSec

    ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL in the United Nations System

    All rights reserved worldwide Requests to reproduce this publication in whole or in part should be sent to

    The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expres-sion of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Mention of a commercial comp...

    Minimum requirements for a system-wide environmental and social sustainability framework

    United Nations entities and institutions employing sustainability systems

    World Health Organization case study: Development of an environmental and social sustainability system

    Contributors Abbreviations and Acronyms Membership of the Environment Management Group

    The global population has reached 7 billion. In just five years, we will add another half billion people – all needing food, jobs, security and opportunity. Yet environmental, economic and social indicators tell us that our current model of progress cannot be maintained. Sustainable development offers the best chance to adjust our course. That will...

    In order to meet the environmental, social and economic challenges of a new century the United Nations needs to find improved ways of identifying the full benefits and costs of the decisions it takes. The United Nations has a long history of advocating for environmental and social responsibility: this is now evolving into a unifying platform that w...

    Executive Director, Environment Management Group Haitian students breathe new life into depleted pine forest, Haiti. Joint Statement by Executive Heads of EMG Members on Advancing Environmental and Social Sustainability

    We, the Executive Heads of Agencies, Funds, Programmes and Departments of the United Nations, Are convinced that the promotion of human well-being and global sustainability hinges on environmental protection and social and economic development, Bear in mind the responsibility of the United Nations System to embody the internationally accepted envir...

    This report provides a framework for advancing the environmental and social sustainability of the United Nations System, supplemented by annexes that reveal in more detail the outcomes of the consultative process. This report provides: The elements of a common framework for environmental and social sustainability in the United Nations System The co...

    The underpinnings for a common sustainability framework are derived from the core mission of the United Nations System and the findings of the inter-agency review of measures and mechanisms being used to integrate environmental and social objectives into policies/strategy, pro gram mes/projects and facilities/operations. The framework – which aims ...

    In assessing the review findings, the con-sultative process took into consideration the issues raised by the EMG Senior Officials, recommendations from the en vi ron mental and social sustainability focal points and lessons and experiences shared by review interviewees. Support was given to the development of Looking at a continuum of options on ho...

    The proposed environmental and social sustainability framework begins with a vision, a rationale and an objective as described below.

    The environmental and social sustainability of the United Nations is enhanced, thereby contributing to its mission to promote and protect human well-being in line with interna-tionally agreed declarations, conventions, standards and covenants.

    The United Nations System has a long history of promoting positive environmental and social outcomes. While many parts of the organization have individually internalized sustainability goals, the United Nations acting as one can do even more. By developing a common environmental and social sustainability framework, the United Nations will strengthe...

    The United Nations System enhances its sustainability by internalizing internationally accepted environmental and social principles at the three entry points of policy/strat-egy, programmes/projects and facilities/operations through individual and collective approaches that address associated risks and maximize opportunities. The next step in the f...

    Demonstrate system-wide commitment for the advancement of environmental and social sustainability of the United Nations System through support for a common approach to the use of environmental and social sustainability measures as outlined in the proposed framework. Adopt minimum requirements for the internalization of environmental and social sust...

    The three entry points of a common envi-ronmental and social sustainability frame-work present the United Nations System with a holistic approach that provides a continuum from policy development to pro-gramme and project management to facil-ity and operations considerations. While such an approach ensures greater aware-ness of potential social and...

    The proposed environmental and social sustainability framework provides an ap -proach to the management of a wide variety of environmental and social impacts and risks, encourages the identification of benefit enhancement opportunities and can reveal trade-offs that need to be considered. Environmental and social sustainability not only looks at th...

    The use of environmental and social sus-tainability measures, such as safeguards, have become common practice, hence there are many models from which to learn and to assess which approach is best for the United Nations. Additionally, because donors, partners and other stakeholders often require the applica-tion of such measures in their partner-shi...

    The EMG Drafting Group for Environ-mental and Social Safeguards carried out a review in late 2010 to identify how United Nations entities address the environmental and social impact of their work. To date, the review has gathered information from a wide variety of United Nations sources to learn from each other’s efforts, understand where the Unite...

    The review sought to understand how environmental and social sustainability measures were applied and viewed in each of the entry points outlined in the pro-posed sustainability framework. As data are not available for all United Nations organizations, conclusions are subject to the current findings. A brief overview of some of the more defined pra...

    Help United Nations agencies, funds, programmes and departments, and their implementing partners and beneficiaries, to take advantage of environmental and social opportunities, identify and manage risks and avoid or mitigate negative impacts and costly delays and corrections at the implementation stage. Address immediate and long-term impacts of se...

    Show that the United Nations is living up to the principles it developed and advocates for. Demonstrate to donors that the United Nations has a credible, coherent approach, built on international best practice and standards, and improve the ability of the United Nations to access Multi-Donor Trust Funds. Provide countries and stakeholders with prac...

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    This report presents a common sustainability framework for the United Nations System, based on inter-agency consultations and existing practices. It aims to enhance the environmental, social and economic impacts and outcomes of the UN's policies and programmes.

    • 5MB
    • 68
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  4. Jan 1, 2020 · Our paper focuses on environmental sustainability by analysing the environmental Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) given by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda).

  5. May 15, 2024 · This systematic literature review explores the evolution and significance of environmental sustainability practices from 2010 to 2023.

  6. This resource has been developed to be an introduction to sustainability from an interdisciplinary perspective. The book begins with an introduction to sustainability, examining different models and definitions and looking at the field’s recent history. Next, the book introduces systems thinking.

  7. distinguish sustainable development policy from traditional environmental policy, which also seeks to internalize the externalities of environmental degradation. The overall goal of...