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  1. Feb 1, 2012 · On the one hand, the Talmud does explicitly state that Daniel was not a prophet.1 On the other hand, when the Talmud states that only “48 prophets and 7 prophetesses prophesied to Israel,”2 the sages disagree as to whether Daniel is included in that list or not.3

  2. Jun 5, 2021 · If Daniel was one of the Prophets, I do not understand why he is not counted among the Prophets. Why is his book among the Ketuvim and not Neviim?

  3. The Jews do not include the book of Daniel in the second part, the "Prophets." This book has not been counted among the writings of the prophets for many centuries. But from statements made by the Saviour, Jesus recognized Daniel as a prominent prophet. (See Matt. 24:15.)

  4. Jun 5, 2024 · What Happened to the Prophet Daniel? King Cyrus decreed that the Jews could return to Judea shortly after he took power. Daniel does not write of his return to Jerusalem with the other exiles. Ezra 8:2 does mention a Daniel in the list of people in a second wave of people leaving Babylon.

  5. Daniel is not a prophet in Judaism: prophecy is reckoned to have ended with Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. In the Hebrew Bible his book is not included under the Prophets (the Hebrew Bible has three sections, Torah, Prophets and Writings), but nevertheless the eight copies found among the Dead Sea Scrolls and the additional tales of the Greek ...

  6. Jan 11, 2015 · Kabbalists explain that Daniel was not a prophet but that he had ruach hakodesh (special Divine assistance). Reading Talmud, we learn that “a sage is greater than a prophet” since intellectual...

  7. Daniel (3304-3399 / 457-362 BCE) was a celebrated Jewish scholar and master interpreter of dreams who was exiled to Babylon after the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

  8. Jun 14, 2004 · a. Daniel is not in the role of a prophet who is speaking to the nation to repent of their ethical misdeeds. b. Although Daniel certainly wrote down prophetic visions, they are a message to the nation to enable them to walk through their history with the confidence that God is working among them even though they are being dominated by the Gentiles.

  9. Daniel was not a prophet because he did not speak to the people. What is a Prophet? Who is a Prophet? Why is Daniel Not a Prophet? The Jewish Bible is broken up into three parts: Torah (Law), Nevi'im (Prophets) and Ketuvim (Writings). This page talks about the Prophets: what makes a person a prophet? Who were the prophets of the Bible?

  10. Jul 3, 2024 · The Book of Daniel, a book of the Old Testament found in the Ketuvim (Writings), the third section of the Jewish canon, but placed among the Prophets in the Christian canon. The first half of the book (chapters 1–6) contains stories in the third person about the experiences of Daniel and his.