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  1. Break and brake sound identical to each other so they can easily be confused. You brake suddenly at a red light, but break a piece of glass. To learn more about usage, read on.

  2. Oct 27, 2021 · The words break and brake are homophones, so they are pronounced the same way (brāk). While both words can function as a noun or a verb, they do not mean the same thing. Avoid miscommunication by learning when to use break vs. brake in your writing.

  3. Jun 6, 2022 · As a verb, break commonly means “to become or cause to be broken” (as in Please don’t break that lamp) or “to become or cause to be divided into pieces or fragments” (as in I’ll break it into two pieces so you can each have one ). Break is an irregular verb: the past tense is broke and the past participle is broken. The continuous form is breaking.

  4. The verb to break has many different meanings in both forms, but most of them focus around one central meaning: an interruption of continuity such as to cause to separate into pieces suddenly or violently; to snap off or detach; to crack with separating into piece.

  5. “Break” and “brake” are homophones, meaning that they’re pronounced the same, but have different definitions and spellings. We’ll teach you how to use these words correctly.

  6. Brake and break are easily confused. A brake is a device for slowing a moving vehicle. (To brake is the verb.) Break most commonly means a period of rest or an interruption of continuity (e.g., work break, breaking news, breakfast). The verb to break usually means to smash or to ruin (break a leg, break a record).

  7. Nov 2, 2021 · “To break” is to separate something into small pieces by force or make something inoperable. “To brake” is to slow or stop a moving mechanism.

  8. Brake vs. Break: The Big Difference. Although they sound the same, mixing these two homophones up can ruin a sentence’s meaning. Break can be a verb or a noun, as well as brake. I know, confusing, but I’ll explain everything in a second.

  9. "Break" and "brake" are two words that are often confused because they are similar in spelling and pronunciation, but they have different meanings. "Break" is a verb that means to cause something to separate into pieces, to interrupt or stop something, or to pause or rest.

  10. Mar 11, 2019 · The commonly confused words brake vs. break: Here are definitions, examples, and some practice exercises to help you pick the right one.