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  1. Respiratory physiotherapy is a core specialty within the physiotherapy profession and occupies a key role in the management and treatment of patients with respiratory diseases. It aims to unclog the patient’s airways and help them return to physical activity and exertion. The respiratory physiotherapist employs many diverse interventions, including pulmonary rehabilitation, early mobilisation, and airway clearance techniques, all having beneficial effects on the symptoms associated with ...

  2. Chest pain in respiratory patients usually originate from musculoskeletal , pleural or tracheal inflammation as lung parenchyma and small airways contain no pain fibres. Pain relief can be achieved by heat, splinting or pain medication. Typical examples of the causes of chest pain include: Pleuritic chest pain.

    • Coughing. It is the easiest procedure to clear airways, which help to release the mucus secretions in a healthy and natural way. Basically coughing helps in secreting the mucus from large airways but for the small airways coughing should be done with other airways clearance techniques (ACTs).
    • Huff Coughing. Also known as Huffing, which also helps to remove mucus secretions. In this procedure, a patient breathes, holds and then exhales actively.
    • Postural drainage. The technique uses gravity and other airway clearance techniques (i.e. percussion or vibration) to help move mucus. It is basically the assumption of position of the body which allows gravity to assess secretions from the lung.
    • Percussion. The technique of percussion focused at loosening of retained secretions which can be performed manually or through mechanical devices. In case of manual percussion, apply rhythmic clapping through cupped hands with fingers and thumb adducted on the affected lobe of the lung so the air is trapped between each cupped hands.
  3. Percussion is a manual technique used by respiratory physiotherapists to improve airway clearance by mobilizing secretions in one or more lung segments to the central airways. Percussion over an affected area produces an energy wave, which is transmitted to the lungs and airways. It is performed with the aim of loosening thick, sticky or retained secretions from the chest wall[1]. Chest percussion can also be used in combination with active cycle breathing techniques [2&#93 ...

  4. Chest physiotherapy consists of external mechanical maneuvers, such as chest percussion, postural drainage, and vibration, to augment mobilization and clearance of airway secretions. It is indicated for patients in whom cough is insufficient to clear thick, tenacious, copious, or loculated secretions (1). Examples include patients with.

  5. Oct 7, 2018 · DEFINITION •Chest physiotherapy is a group of therapies used in combination to mobilize pulmonary secretions. Chest physiotherapy is the removal of excess secretions from the lungs by physical means. 3. USES • Assist in coughing • Reeducate breathing muscles • Improve ventilation of the lungs. 4.

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  7. Chest physiotherapy consists of external mechanical maneuvers, such as chest percussion, postural drainage, and vibration, to augment mobilization and clearance of airway secretions. It is indicated for patients in whom cough is insufficient to clear thick, tenacious, copious, or loculated secretions ( 1 ). Examples include patients with.