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  1. › wiki › KheshgiKheshgi - Wikipedia

    The Kheshgi or Khaishgi (Pashto: خیشکی) is a prominent Sarbani Pashtun tribe and Imperial dynasty in South Asia, mainly in India and Pakistan. [1] [2] [3]

  2. › wiki › KheshigKheshig - Wikipedia

    Kheshig (Mongolian: Хишигтэн; also Khishig, Keshik, Khishigten; lit. "favored", "blessed") were the imperial guard and shock troops for Mongol royalty in the Mongol Empire, particularly for rulers like Genghis Khan and his wife Börte. Their primary purpose was to act as bodyguards for the emperors and other important nobles.

  3. Asif ali kheshgi

  4. Jul 14, 2016 · Mullah Arzani Kheshgi was a Pashtun Sufi poet of Roshniya movement and originally belonged to Kasur (Punjab) where Kheshgi tribe of Pashtuns had settled in the times of Babur. Arzani Khesghi belonged to the Zerzai sub-tribe of Kheshgis. He was a profound scholar and a prominent figure in Pashto literature.

    • Study Populations
    • Sample and Data Collection
    • Molecular Genetic Analysis
    • Comparative Data
    • Statistical and Phylogenetic Analysis


    The Khattak are a Pakhtun ethnic group that numbers over three million individuals, and whose members speak a variant of the Qandahar Pashto language (Rose 1911). They are also believed to be one of the oldest Pakhtun ethnic groups of Afghanistan. Early records show migration of the Khattak from Ghazni, Ghor and Logarin in modern-day Afghanistan (Rose 1911). The Khattak later settled in the Shawal region of Waziristan, Pakistan. Today, Khattaks live along the western bank of the Indus River f...


    The Kheshgi are members of a Pakhtun ethnic group living in southern Afghanistan and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. According to Pakhtun genealogy, Qais Abdur Rashid, the father of the Pakhtuns had many sons. One of his sons named Zamand had a number of sons himself. His son Kheshgi is considered to be the founder of the eponymously named tribe (Hastings 1878). The Kheshgi are thought to have originated in Ghwara Marghay in the Qandahar District in southern Afghanistan, and late...

    We obtained informed consent from all participants using forms approved by the ethics review board of Hazara University Mansehra before DNA sample and genealogical data collection. Saliva samples were collected from 58 individuals from the Khattak (KHT) (n = 27) and the Kheshgi (KHE) (n = 31), both of which reside within the Peshawar Valley (i.e., ...

    Genomic DNA was extracted from buccal swab samples using a modified protocol (Zayats et al. 2009). The mtDNA control region (CR) (np 16,024–576) was PCR amplified using the primer sets given in Table 1 and an AmpliTaq Gold protocol, following the manufacturer’s specifications. All of the samples were cycle sequenced with both forward and reverse am...

    The mtDNA data for the Khattak and Kheshgi were compared with those from a number of reference populations living in South, Central and East Asia and the Middle East (Table S1). These included the Hazara, Tajik, Baluch and Pashtun from Afghanistan (Whale 2012), Iraqis (Al-Zahery et al. 2003), Japanese (Asari et al. 2007), Iranians, Turkmen, Bukhari...

    Haplogroup frequencies for each study population were estimated by simple counting. For both study and comparative populations, gene and nucleotide diversity, and neutrality tests Tajima’s D (Tajima 1989) and Fu’s Fs (Fu 1997) were calculated from only the mtDNA hypervariable segment I (HVS-1) (np 16,024–16,400) using Arlequin v3.5 (Excoffier and L...

    • Muhammad Zubair, Brian E Hemphill, Theodore G Schurr, Muhammad Tariq, Muhammad Ilyas, Habib Ahmad, H...
    • 2020
  5. Kheshgi was born into the affluent Kheshgi family of India in Khurja, Uttar Pradesh, on July 10, 1940. He is the brother of distinguished diplomat , Waliullah Kheshgi , and is the brother-in-law of former Pakistani President , Pervez Musharraf .

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  7. Mohammad Waliullah Khan Khaishgi is a retired Pakistani diplomat. [1][2] Early life. Khaishgi was born in Khurja, Uttar Pradesh, India, on 5 July 1957. [1] Foreign service. Khaishgi later moved to Pakistan and joined the Foreign Service of Pakistan, serving in many senior positions.