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  1. Java Life cycle of a thread or thread life cycle in java explains the five states new, runnable, running, blocked and dead.

  2. Mar 18, 2024 · Life Cycle of a Thread. There are multiple states of the thread in a lifecycle as mentioned below: New Thread: When a new thread is created, it is in the new state. The thread has not yet started to run when the thread is in this state. When a thread lies in the new state, its code is yet to be run and hasn’t started to execute.

    • New. A NEW Thread (or a Born Thread) is a thread that’s been created but not yet started. It remains in this state until we start it using the start() method.
    • Runnable. When we’ve created a new thread and called the start() method on that, it’s moved from NEW to RUNNABLE state. Threads in this state are either running or ready to run, but they’re waiting for resource allocation from the system.
    • Blocked. A thread is in the BLOCKED state when it’s currently not eligible to run. It enters this state when it is waiting for a monitor lock and is trying to access a section of code that is locked by some other thread.
    • Waiting. A thread is in WAITING state when it’s waiting for some other thread to perform a particular action. According to JavaDocs, any thread can enter this state by calling any one of the following three methods
  3. Life Cycle of a Thread in Java. The life cycle of a thread in Java refers to the various states of a thread goes through. For example, a thread is born, started, runs, and then dies. Thread class defines the life cycle and various states of a thread.

  4. A thread goes through various stages in its life cycle. According to Sun, there are only 4 states in the thread life cycle in java new, runnable, non-runnable, and terminated. There is no running state. But for a better understanding of the threads, we are explaining it in the 5 states.

  5. Aug 12, 2019 · This Java Thread tutorial helps you understand the life cycle of a thread with illustrated diagram and code example. A thread can go through various states during its life. The Thread ’s getState() method returns an enum constant that indicates current state of the thread, which falls in one of the following values:

  6. Feb 28, 2024 · Life Cycle Of Thread. There are different states Thread transfers into during its lifetime, let us know about those states in the following lines: in its lifetime, a thread undergoes the following states, namely: New State. Active State. Waiting/Blocked State. Timed Waiting State. Terminated State.

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