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  1. The main difference between primitive and non-primitive data types are: Primitive types are predefined (already defined) in Java. Non-primitive types are created by the programmer and is not defined by Java (except for String ).

  2. Jun 26, 2024 · Primitive Data Type: such as boolean, char, int, short, byte, long, float, and double. Non-Primitive Data Type or Object Data type: such as String, Array, etc. Primitive Data Types in Java. Primitive data are only single values and have no special capabilities. There are 8 primitive data types.

  3. Nov 29, 2022 · Primitive Data Types: A primitive data type is pre-defined by the programming language. The size and type of variable values are specified, and it has no additional methods. Non-Primitive Data Types: These data types are not actually defined by the programming language but are created by the programmer.

  4. There are five types of non-primitive data types in Java. They are as follows: Class. Object. String. Array. Interface. 1. Class and objects: A class in Java is a user defined data type i.e. it is created by the user. It acts a template to the data which consists of member variables and methods.

  5. A primitive type is predefined by the language and is named by a reserved keyword. Primitive values do not share state with other primitive values. The eight primitive data types supported by the Java programming language are: byte: The byte data type is an 8-bit signed two's complement integer.

  6. There are 8 data types predefined in Java, known as primitive data types. Note: In addition to primitive data types, there are also referenced types (object type). 8 Primitive Data Types. 1. boolean type. The boolean data type has two possible values, either true or false. Default value: false. They are usually used for true/false conditions.

  7. Dec 27, 2022 · Java Data Types. Java supports two kinds of data types: Primitive data type. Non-primitive or reference data type. 2.1. Primitive Data Types. A primitive data type directly holds a value in memory. For instance, a number or a character. Primitive data types are not objects, as well as no references to the objects.