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  1. Practice in the CodeChef monthly coding contests, and master competitive programming. Get all the information about the rated coding challenges hosted every week.

  2. Old practice page Recent Contest Problems. View all topics. Recent Contest Problems Old practice page. Foundations of programming. Practice C++. Solve C++ Practice problems online with the Practice C++ path on CodeChef. Write code for over 200 C++ coding challenges and prepare for interviews. 202 Problems. Beginner level. Practice Python. Solve Python coding problems online with Practice Python on CodeChef. Write code for over 195 Python coding exercises and boost your confidence in programming.

  3. CodeChef is absolutely awesome, and I really enjoyed using it. Being only 13 years old, I find it difficult to understand programming languages easily, but CodeChef has made learning them a breeze. I truly loved using their website. Thank you so much, CodeChef. dhanushree. dhanushree. India. These exercises are genuinely helpful. I highly recommend them to anyone who is new to Python programming or has been facing challenges while learning Python.

  4. The winners of these regional rounds of the contest get to represent the country in the ICPC World Finals. The Asia Regionals in India will be held at 4 sites viz. Amritapuri, Kolkata, Gwalior, and Kharagpur. Every regional contest site gets a "slot," which is an invitation for the team to compete in the World Finals.

  5. Programming Tools. Online IDE. Coding Contests

  6. In order to participate in the contest and get your sponsorship, all you need is a CodeChef id. We guess you already have it. If you do not, then get one here. On top of all, as a part our Go For Gold initiative, a team which finishes with a rank better than 18 at the ICPC World Finals will receive a cash prize of INR 1,609,435.

  7. All CodeChef contests (Long Contest, Starters, Cook-Offs and LunchTimes) will now have four parallel contests, one for Division 1, second one for Division 2, third one for Division 3, and fourth for Division 4. A user can participate in only the Division that she belongs to. But some contests might be rated only for some divisions. Tell me more.

  8. Oct 8, 2020 · A great way to go forward with the preparation is to participate in CodeChef’s Long Challenge. The contest comprises 9-10 problems of varying complexity and is held over 10 days. Coders from all over the world participate in it. Long Challenge is an excellent way of preparing for ICPC as you get to have tricky questions. You also compete with your peers from around the world which can be a great way to analyse your progress.

  9. Jan 1, 2022 · It has been 12 years since CodeChef was founded, and Long Challenge has been a part of the platform since the very beginning. The ten-day-long competitive programming challenge remains the community favorite over the years, with submissions pouring over lakhs every month. ... Long Challenge gives coders many opportunities to learn, improve, practice, and become better programmers with every contest. Therefore, it’s not hard to understand why the contest is the most popular of all our ...

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