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  1. CHSH stands for John Clauser, Michael Horne, Abner Shimony, and Richard Holt, who described it in a much-cited paper published in 1969. [1] .

  2. The CHSH inequality. An upper bound on classical correlations. Device-independent tests and Bell inequalities. We will describe the most popular version of Bell’s argument, introduced in 1969 by John Clauser, Michael Horne, Abner Shimony, and Richard Holt (whence the name “CHSH”).

    • ⊗ σ(B)
    • 4.2.1 Three quantum coins
    • 4.2.2 Quantum entanglement vs. Einstein locality
    • 4.3.4 All entangled pure states violate Bell inequalities
    • 4.3.6 Experiments and loopholes
    • 4.4 Using entanglement
    • 4.4.1 Dense coding
    • 4.4.2 Quantum teleportation
    • 4.4.3 Quantum teleportation and maximal entanglement
    • N Xi |iiB (T )BC (4.87)
    • 4.5.1 EPR quantum key distribution
    • 3 σ(B)
    • 4.7 Nonlocality without entanglement
    • | = |αiiA ⊗ |βiiB . (4.128)
    • 4.8.1 Three quantum boxes
    • XAXBXC = 111 XAXBXC = 001 XAXBXC = 010 XAXBXC = 100 XAXBXC = 100 XAXBXC = 010 XAXBXC = 001 XAXBXC = 111 (4.135)
    • F = hψ|ρ0|ψi , F ̃ = h ψ| ̃ ̃ ̃ ρ0| ψi . (4.176)
    • AB ≡ (IA ⊗ TB)(ρAB) (4.186)
    • (1 − λ)I

    , so their measurement disturbs the phase bit. On the other hand, they could both choose to measure their spins along the x-axis; then they would learn the phase bit at the cost of disturbing the parity bit. But they can’t have it both ways. To have hope of acquiring the parity bit without disturbing the phase bit, they would need to learn about th...

    Is a local hidden-variable theory merely a reformulation of quantum me-chanics, or is it a testable hypothesis? John Bell’s fruitful idea was to test Einstein locality by considering the quantitative properties of the correla-tions between measurement outcomes obtained by two parties, Alice and Bob, who share an entangled state. Let us consider an ...

    What Alice and Bob read about is quantum entanglement. Eventually, they learn that their magical coins are governed by a maximally entangled state of two qubits. What Alice and Bob really share are many copies of the state |ψ−i. When Alice uncovers a coin, she is measuring her qubit along one of three possible axes, no two of which are orthogonal. ...

    Separable states do not violate Bell inequalities. For example, in the case of a separable pure state, if a is an observable acting on Alice’s qubit, and b is an observable acting on Bob’s, then habi = haihbi. (4.60) No Bell-inequality violation can occur, because we have already seen that a (local) hidden-variable theory does exist that correctly ...

    ✪ Locality loophole. Experiments with entangled pairs of photons have tested the CHSH inequality in the form eq. (4.79). The experiments confirm the quantum predictions, and demonstrate convincingly that the CHSH in-equality is violated. These experiments, then, seem to show that Nature cannot be accurately described by a local hidden-variable theo...

    After Bell’s work, quantum entanglement became a subject of intensive study, among those interested in the foundations of quantum theory. Gradually, a new viewpoint evolved: entanglement is not just a unique tool for exposing the weirdness of quantum mechanics, but also a poten-tially valuable resource. By exploiting entangled quantum states, we ca...

    Our first example is an application of entanglement to communication. Alice wants to send messages to Bob. She might send classical bits (like dots and dashes in Morse code), but let’s suppose that Alice and Bob are linked by a quantum channel. For example, Alice can prepare qubits (like photons) in any polarization state she pleases, and send them...

    In dense coding, quantum information could be exploited to enhance the transmission of classical information. Specifically, if Alice and Bob share entanglement, then sending one qubit is sufficient to convey two classi-cal bits. Now one wonders about the converse. If Alice and Bob share entanglement, can sending two classical bits suffice to convey...

    The teleportation concept has an air of mystery. One would like to un-derstand more deeply why it works. A helpful clue is that to teleport with fidelity F = 1 the entangled state consumed in the protocol must be maximally entangled. And the crucial feature of bipartite maximally entangled states is that either Alice or Bob can transform one maxima...

    Here we have defined the transfer operator (T ) which has the property BC

    Everyone has secrets, including Alice and Bob. Alice needs to send a highly private message to Bob, but Alice and Bob have a very nosy friend, Eve, who they know will try to listen in. Can they communicate with assurance that Eve is unable to eavesdrop? Obviously, they should use some kind of code. Trouble is, aside from being very nosy, Eve is als...

    3 , when Alice and Bob both prepared their spins along the same axis (as they do about half the time) they share a single bit.‡ Of course, Charlie could be allied with Eve, but Alice and Bob can verify that Charlie and Eve have acquired no information as before, by comparing a portion of their key. This scheme has the advantage that Charlie could o...

    Quantum entanglement typifies the principle that there are bipartite quantum operations that cannot be implemented using only local op-erations and classical communication (LOCC). For example, if Alice and Bob share no prior entanglement, they cannot perform Bell measurement or prepare the entangled state |φ+iAB unless they get together. Now we wil...

    Now, since Alice has a pure state, and so does Bob, we might expect them to be able to devise a winning strategy. But on further reflection, this is not so obvious. Though the states {|ψiiAB} in Charlie’s ensemble are mutually orthogonal, the states {|αiiA} that Alice could receive need not be mutually orthogonal, and the same is true of the states...

    In the wake of the wildly successful experiment with the three coins on the table, Alice and Bob are now world famous. They are both tenured professors, Alice at Caltech, and Bob at Chicago. They are much too important to spend much time in the lab, but they have many graduate students and remain scientifically active. Their best student, Charlie, ...

    GHZM: There’s something interesting about the table, Bob! Look at the values for XAXBXC . . . Every single entry has an odd number of 1’s. That’s our prediction: when you all open door X on your boxes, you’ll always find an odd number of black balls! Could be one, or could be three, but always odd. Naturally, Alice, Bob, and Charlie are delighted b...

    The purpose of this exercise is to examine how effectively Eve can re-duce the disturbance by choosing her measurement operators prop-erly. a) Show that F + F ̃ can be expressed as

    where T is the transpose operation that acts in the computational basis {|ii} as

    For what values of λ does ρanti(λ) have a negative partial trans-pose?

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  3. › 2522995 › 4338615chsh - Indico

    The above inequality is called CHSH after Clauser, Horne, Shimony, and Holt, and it is the most popular way of presenting the original inequality from Bell. The fact that we violated the CHSH inequality in our real device is of significance.

  4. In this tutorial, you will run an experiment on a quantum computer to demonstrate the violation of the CHSH inequality with the Estimator primitive. Learning Home Catalog Composer Search

  5. Jun 14, 2024 · What is CHSH Game? Actually, The concept of CHSH Game is pretty simple. It will only need 3 actors to be able to be played: Player 1. Player 2. Referee. To make it more clear and fun, let’s...

  6. People also ask

  7. Jan 6, 2021 · The CHSH equality was introduced in the 1969 paper Proposed Experiment to Test Local Hidden-Variable Theories. It was a generalization of the idealistic Bell’s model, which could be experimentally tested. The inequality was, given four orthogonal vector pairs a →, a ′ → and b →, b ′ →: