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  1. › wiki › Abu_HanifaAbu Hanifa - Wikipedia

    Abu Hanifa was born at least 60 years after the death of Muhammad, but during the time of the first generation of Muslims, some of whom lived on until Abu Hanifa's youth. Anas ibn Malik, Muhammad's personal attendant, died in 93 AH and another companion, Abul Tufail Amir bin Wathilah, died in 100 AH, when Abu Hanifa was at least 20 years old.

  2. Short Biography of Imam Abu Hanifa. Al-Numan bin Thabit, commonly known as Abu Hanifah or Abu Hanifa, is considered the founder of one of the four schools or rites of Islamic legal knowledge (fiqh) within the Sunni schools of law. He is also widely known as Al-Imam Al-Aẓam (The Great Imam) and Siraj Al-Aimma (The Lamp of the Imams).

  3. Imam Abu Haneefa was one of the greatest of the mujtahideen. He was also a great city planner, responsible for the planning of the city of Baghdad when it was founded by the Caliph al Mansur in 765 CE. Abu Hanifa was a mathematician of the first magnitude.

  4. May 25, 2024 · Abu Hanifah, Muslim jurist and theologian whose systematization of Islamic legal doctrine was acknowledged as one of the four canonical schools of Islamic law. The Hanafi school established a uniform code for applying Islamic norms to legal problems and remains widely followed into the present.

  5. Nov 28, 2020 · A Short Biography of Imam Abu Hanifa (699-769AD) Imam Abu Hanifa died in 150 Hijri (769 AD) at the age of 70. There are two opinions about his death but the most popular one is that he died in jail as his food was poisoned. Some say he was released from the jail in critical heath just a few days before he passed away.

  6. Jun 6, 2018 · Numan bin Sabit رَحْمَۃُ اللہِ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ was born in the city of Kufa (Iraq) in the year 80 A.H/689 C.E. He is better known as Al-imam al-Azam (the greatest Imam) or by his kunyah Abu Hanifa.

  7. Feb 27, 2017 · In the illustrious line of scholars, Imam Abu Hanifah is known as Imam al-A`zam or “the greatest Imam.”. His inspiring life and remarkable contributions to the development of Islam law furthered the cause of Islamic scholarship profoundly.

  8. Imam Abu Hanifa expands the explanation of the ahadith to the extent that he concluded 100 lessons from one hadith. Imam Malik saw that as an exaggeration and overloading the hadith which the Prophet (salla Allahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) did not want.

  9. Al- Imam Al Azam Abu Hanifa's name was Numan. His father's name was Thabit. His grandfather's name was Numan, too. He was the first of the four great imams of the Ahl as-Sunnah. Imam Abu Hanifa was a descendant of a Persian notable, he was born in Kufa in 80 (698 A.D.).

  10. Jan 16, 2016 · It was only befitting that Imam Abu Hanifa (RA) came to known such, with his title literally translating as the Father of Hanifa, the lady of commendable intellectual ability. A Free Soul Throughout history, attempts have been made by those in power to control men and women of scholarly prowess.