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  1. Josef Antonius Heinrich Terboven (23 May 1898 – 8 May 1945) was a Nazi Party official and politician who was the long-serving Gauleiter of Gau Essen and the Reichskommissar for Norway during the German occupation.

  2. Josef Antonius Heinrich Terboven (* 23. Mai 1898 in Essen; † 8. Mai 1945 in Skaugum bei Oslo, Norwegen) war ein nationalsozialistischer Politiker, Gauleiter von Essen und Reichskommissar für die vom Deutschen Reich besetzten norwegischen Gebiete .

  3. Learn about Josef Terboven, the brutal Reichskommissar of Norway during World War II. Find out how he ruled Norway as a dictator, planned to create a fortress and a concentration camp, and committed suicide in 1945.

  4. Josef Terboven var en tysk nazistisk stats- og partitjenestemann, som er mest kjent for å ha vært «Reichskommissar für die besetzten Norwegischen Gebiete », det vil si tysk rikskommissær for det okkuperte Norge i årene 1940–1945. Terboven var Adolf Hitlers betrodde representant i Norge og styrte landet med diktatoriske fullmakter.

  5. Josef Antonius Heinrich Terboven (23 May 1898 – 8 May 1945) was a Nazi Party official and politician who was the long-serving Gauleiter of Gau Essen and the Reichskommissar for Norway during the German occupation.

  6. Learn about Josef Terboven, a German politician and Nazi supporter who became the Reich Commissioner of occupied Norway in 1940. Find out his biography, role, and fate in The Oxford Companion to World War II.

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  8. Josef Terboven was made Reichskommissar for Norway on 24 April 1940, even before the invasion was completed on 7 June 1940. The legitimate Norwegian government left the country, and German occupying authorities under Terboven put Norwegian civilian authorities under his control.