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  1. Andreas "Andi" Widhölzl (born 14 October 1976) is an Austrian former ski jumper. During his career, he won world championships and Olympic titles.

  2. Andreas Widhölzl (* 14. Oktober 1976 in St. Johann in Tirol; Spitzname: Swida) ist ein ehemaliger österreichischer Skispringer, Weltmeister und Olympiasieger. Seit Frühjahr 2020 ist er Cheftrainer der österreichischen Skispringer.

  3. Andreas Widhölzl (født 14. oktober 1976 i St. Johann in Tirol) er en tidligere østerriksk skihopper, som for øyeblikket er hovedtrener for det østerrikske hopplandslaget. I sesongen 1999/2000 kom han på andreplass, og to ganger (sesongene 1997/98 og 2002/03) har han kommet på tredjeplass i verdenscupen i hopp.

  4. Ski Jumping - Summer Grand Prix - 2002Andreas Widhoelzl - 130m - 2nd round - Lahti 06.09.2002 - K120 - Summer Grand Prix - HILL RECORD - WINNERIf you are int...

  5. Visit Andreas WIDHOELZL profile and read the full biography, watch videos and read all the latest news. Click here for more.

  6. *The NSA is responsible for the athletes' biography update. // The manufacturers are responsible for the equipment update.

  7. Premiere for Andreas Widhoelzl: For the first time this spring and under their new head coach, some Austrian ski jumpers, among them Philipp Aschenwald and Clemens Leitner, returned to the hill again for Ski Jumping training in Innsbruck on Thursday.