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  1. Marco Manetti è un professore ordinario di Geometria al Dipartimento di Matematica "Guido Castelnuovo" dell'Università di Roma. La sua pagina web contiene informazioni sul suo orario di ricevimento, la sua pronuncia e i suoi interessi di ricerca.

  2. Marco Manetti. Department of Mathematics Sapienza University. P.le Aldo Moro 4 00185 Roma. Phone: (+39) 0649913280. O ce: 132, Istituto \G. Castelnuovo" Em@il: manetti [at] mat [dot] URL: Italy.

    • Editorial Duties
    • Research Papers
    • Expository Papers
    • Books
    • Other (Thesis, Books Edited etc).
    • Preprints Superseded by Other Articles Or Not Intended For publication.

    I am an editor of the Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. If you intend to submit a paper please make your submission online.

    Bandiera, R., Lepri, E., Manetti, M.: Semiregularity maps and deformations of modules over Lie algebroids. arXiv:2208.00694.
    R. Bandiera, E. Lepri, M. Manetti: L∞ liftings of semiregularity maps via Chern-Simons classes. Advances in Mathematics \textbf{435} (2023) 109358,arXiv:2111.12985.
    R. Bandiera, M. Manetti, F. Meazzini: Deformations of polystable sheaves on surfaces: quadraticity implies formality. Moscow Mathematical Journal 22 (2022), 239--263;arXiv:1902.06486.
    E. Lepri, M. Manetti: Connections and L∞ liftings of semiregularity maps. Journal of Geometry and Physics 168 (2021) 104303,arXiv:2102.05016 .
    M. Manetti: Nullstellensatz per tutti.Ricordando Franco Conti, Pubbl. Cent. Ric. Mat. Ennio Giorgi,Scuola Norm. Sup., Pisa (2004) 235-244.
    M. Manetti: A proof of a version of a theorem of Hartogs. American Mathematical Monthly, Volume 117, Number 6, June-July 2010 , pp. 550-552. DOI: 10.4169/000298910X492844;
    M. Manetti: Topologia. Springer Unitext 32 (2008), 78(2014).
    M. Manetti: Topology. Springer Unitext 91(2015).
    M. Manetti: Lie Methods in Deformation Theory. Springer Monographs in Mathematics (2022).
    M. Manetti: Degenerations of Algebraic Surfaces and applications to Moduli problems. Tesi di Perfezionamento Scuola Normale Superiore (1996). PDF
    K. Behrend, M. Manetti (editors): Enumerative invariants in algebraic geometry and string theory. Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1947Springer (2008).
    M. Manetti and C. Spagnoli: The projective model structure on contractions. arXiv:1703.03231.
    D. Fiorenza, M. Manetti: L-infinity algebras, Cartan homotopies and period maps. arXiv:math/0605297.
    M. Manetti: Deformations of products and new examples of obstructed irregular surfaces. arXiv:math/0601169.
    M. Manetti: Q-Gorenstein smoothings of quotient singularities. Preprint Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa (1990). PDF
  3. Marco Manetti is a PhD student at Sapienza University of Rome, working on Lie and homotopy methods in deformation theory. He uses differential graded Lie algebras, L-infinity algebras, obstruction theory and model categories to study small variations of algebro-geometric structures.

  4. Marco Manetti (born 1966) is full professor in geometry at Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). His research activity concerns algebraic geometry, deformation theory and higher algebraic structures.

    • Marco Manetti
  5. Marco Manetti, Francesco Meazzini. Comments: Final version. To appear in Indagationes Mathematicae. Journal-ref: Indagationes Mathematicae 31, 7-32 (2020) Subjects: Category Theory (math.CT); Algebraic Geometry (math.AG)

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  7. Overview. Authors: Marco Manetti. Provides more than 500 exercise, of various level of difficulty. Presents contents basing on increasing conceptual difficulties. Offers balanced choice of topics. Includes supplementary material: Part of the book series: UNITEXT (UNITEXT, volume 91)