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  1. 8 hours ago · Katalis is collaborating with TAFE Queensland to deliver high-quality training to address the skills gap in Indonesia’s tourism industry and facilitate the participation of disadvantaged groups ...

  2. 8 hours ago · The festival’s nearly here! The program for the Gawler Business Development Group Arts on the Plains Festival 2024 has been unveiled, with more than 20 different activities and events on offer across the town and region from 11th of August to 8th of September. Exhibitors, sponsors and art-lovers all gathered at the Gawler Civic Centre on ...

  3. 8 hours ago · Location: TAFE SA (Regency Park Campus) - 137 Days Road, Regency Park, SA, Australia. Inspection: By Appointment Only! Monday 29th & Tuesday 30th. Contact: Kerry 0413 778 221. Collection: By Appointment! - No Lifting Facilities Available Onsite-TAFE SA Forklift Not Available for Use Onsite - Lift Equipment Required for Collection

  4. 8 hours ago · 昆州政府投资近2000万在Townsville TAFE开设先进制造和可再生能源行业培教中心 部分课程免费 ; 铀矿股领涨一扫阴霾 ASX200指数如期创近期新高 煤炭个股短线整理; 国泰君安:特朗普遇袭 降息交易升温; 特朗普遇袭利好比特币 周一早盘比特币价格逼近6.1万美元

  5. 8 hours ago · 铌无疑是当下最受瞩目的关键矿物,以WA1 Resources (ASX:WA1) 为代表的新兴铌矿股在过去几个月可谓赚足市场眼球,Aldoro Resources (ASX股票代码:ARN)及时加入这场狂欢。

  6. 8 hours ago · 微盘股Middle Island Resources Ltd(ASX股票代码:MDI)上周五宣布位于Tennant溪附近的Barkly IOCG超级铜金矿项目将启动第一轮钻探。

  7. 8 hours ago · 【小编贴士:】手机端阅读时,点击文章页面左上Logo即可返回首页阅读。祝读者朋友天天健康、开心!工作投资顺利。 免责声明:本网所发所有文章,包括本网原创、编译及转发的第三方稿件及评论,均不构成任何投资建议,交易操作或投资决定请询问专业人士。